
General Chatter

I don't think I could win a chook in a chook raffle. Feeling defeated :-( Where do you find your winning competition MOJO?

24 Aug 15 6:56 AM

Watch the movie The Secret. It's all about attitude. Also read the Blogs here. They offer some good advice. I hope for Good Luck for you tinman249!

24 Aug 15 10:53 AM

thanks kindly divergent... will have a look :-)

24 Aug 15 11:03 AM

Just keep at it Tinman! You'll win something eventually and then that will kick the mojo in to continue with comping :)

24 Aug 15 1:55 PM

Don't give up tinman!

24 Aug 15 2:42 PM

I know exactly! mattyclark. that's it I need a new email address. I won't be discouraged. Perhaps I should just edit my age lol. I hope we all win something soon..... I must have entered 10 competitions in the past 2 days. Is that good or bad?

25 Aug 15 1:12 PM

Thats good. More the merrier

25 Aug 15 2:18 PM

Hi tinman249, it happens to us all at some stage, great when your winning but hard work when your not. I'm not sure how long you've been comping but entering as many as you can, (of what you want to win), will help depending on how much time you want to spend.
Sometimes (like now) I cut right down, clean out files and emails, take a semi break and use the time to think up some answers to use for later. I've only ever done this twice but I end up feeling more organised and a whole lot more chirpy. Lots and lots of luck!

26 Aug 15 11:47 AM