
General Chatter

Saw a competition today to win......wait for it!........a loaf of bread lol. It costs a bakery less than 20c to bake the one that they showed. A lot of entries too! Don't you just WISH there were better prizes out there sometimes...Sigh!

28 Aug 15 1:00 PM

...half-baked prize...not a lot of thought went into that one, clearly. Dough would have been better ($$$)

28 Aug 15 6:00 PM


28 Aug 15 8:26 PM

@toxicgherkin @Trevsta, Yeah much better, we all knead dough, I have a friend who works in a bakery, this was from a well known brand too. Stingy to say the least!

28 Aug 15 9:37 PM

Lol yes I saw that one. I really don't get the attraction with winning stuff like that. There's a company that runs regular ones to win a cheapo cap. Good advertising for them, but really? I'll save my time for more meaningful things lol

30 Aug 15 2:17 PM

@roobycat , yeah I think it's lousy, I was surprised at the amount of entries. I'd rather spend the effort entering a words or less comp for something a little more worthwhile than 20c.

30 Aug 15 7:31 PM

Yes I don't get the attraction either. Each to their own and all that, but no thank you. I have enough land fill in my house as it is, without trying to win more lol

31 Aug 15 11:50 AM