
Feedback / Suggestions

What does Ranking mean? what good things happen if your ranked 1?

28 Aug 15 1:12 PM

Hi, JacQ. The Leaderboard section in the top menu has blurb regarding this. Basically at month's end a ranking of 1st, 2nd and 3rd will result in payment of $100, $50 and $25 respectively. 4th-20th ranked compers get double the daily guesses for the following month. Cheers.

28 Aug 15 5:57 PM

Hey toxicgherkin ( pickles )
Thanks for your explanation , muchly appreciated.

28 Aug 15 6:44 PM

I agree, thanks toxicgherkin, (awesome name) . I guess we'll have to do some homework JacQlyn.

28 Aug 15 10:43 PM