

What have I done wrong?

Feeling very crappy this morning

01 Sep 15 9:32 AM

im not getting points for anything today its staying at 0

01 Sep 15 10:51 AM

take that back, working now :)

01 Sep 15 10:58 AM

Hi Jaclyn75, I noticed that not all your points are showing. Best thing to do is log in today to get your daily points, then go to the guessing game to get your extra 50 points then go to the competitions list and view at least one competition and then go to the leaderboard. All your points should then show up. Remember to view all the competitions to get your maximum competition points. If you click on someone else's name on the leader board (use mine if you like) it will show you a breakdown of total points. You should have points against each category. I hope this makes sense as I have only just finished work after working last night and I'm feeling a little bleary eyed (00) !!
: )

01 Sep 15 11:25 AM

Thank you fourleaf for your time. Immensely appreciated. I was feeling very rejected . Good to know savvy computer got points back 😃

01 Sep 15 11:41 AM

@Jaklyn75 good stuff! but remember you still have three more competitions to view which will give you another three points. The total competitions added today are far! ( the rectangular view tab will turn from blue to orange on the competitions list once you've viewed successfully) lotsa luck
: )

01 Sep 15 1:23 PM

Homework done.
Bless your cotton sox!
Best of luck fourleaf :x}

01 Sep 15 2:23 PM

Cheers. Nice blog!

03 Sep 15 6:33 AM