
General Chatter

Despite a popular held belief that winning is best achieved by sending positive vibes I'm going to have a crack at 'Whinge to Win'. It has helped in the past.
My last win was July 29. That means the entire month of August came and went without so much as a Tic tac. Of course, the next win is just around the corner but it seems the road I'm on is going straight to the horizon.

01 Sep 15 8:10 PM

Lol yes the whinging works for me too, better than being positive. I find swearing also helps lol. Mind you, when I have a 'dry spell' I then win quite a few things in quick succession, so hang in there, you might have 5000 prizes arrive this month

01 Sep 15 8:13 PM

I should swear, whinge and be super confident concurrently as I havent won anything for months!

02 Sep 15 11:30 AM

I won a pack of 3 DVD's today, and yesterday I won a skin and makeup kit for myself and one for a friend. I was just starting to swear. They must've heard me lol

02 Sep 15 6:23 PM

I've never tried the swearing thing. Will gladly give that a go. Not here though, I'll spare you that.

02 Sep 15 8:12 PM

I've never won anything and now all the points I worked hard to get have vanished and now I have none and I am coming last.I can't explain wth has gone on but I'm not having a good day at all now

02 Sep 15 8:44 PM

@happzygal I don't bother with the points thing but if you read down through the forum you will see posts explaining how it works. I think they reset every once - that's probably where your points have gone. I think you get points for viewing comps and playing the guessing game. There are also bonus points for birthdays.

03 Sep 15 8:01 PM