
General Chatter

I'm transforming...........think I've been subjected to a blacklist by anti compers...

02 Sep 15 11:21 AM

*isn't sure whether this is serious, or joking* Lol you mean you're not winning?

02 Sep 15 6:24 PM


02 Sep 15 9:26 PM

Yes @roobycat unfortunately serious. Changed email shut down my FB for a while and changed my user name here. Entered two FB comps and as soon as I had entered the promoter put up a big piece on how this comp is for its fans and not pro compers. Bit silly of them but anyway have figured some promoters look on sites like this and either promote their Comp or remove you as a valid entry. No not really winning anything linked to from this site, won a DVD last week but not much really.

03 Sep 15 6:23 AM

Wow. Yeah I sensed that this may have been a serious post. The old question remains though - what is a pro comper? I enter comps for things I'd really like to win either for myself or someone close to me. I don't enter for stuff I don't want or need, and won't use. I also would never try to win something for eg: a movie pass for a cinema on the other side of the country, just for the sake of saying I won. That to me, is taking it off someone who may have really enjoyed it, who couldn't normally afford it.
I've won things in the past from companies/brand names I've never heard of, and LOVED the product I won, and now purchase that product/brand as a result, (there's many actually) so companies can shoot themselves in the foot by 'banning people' from the chance to try their product.
All well and good I suppose for a small company that really wants a genuine fan to win their prize, but again, if someone like ME wins it, and likes it, I'll become a customer. How will I know their products are good, if I can't try them? While I can see the point they are trying to make, it can go against them too.
Oh well, I'll just keep plodding along. By no means would I consider myself to be a 'pro comper'. It's just a hobby in which I partake, to hopefully win something I couldn't otherwise afford, or a product I'd love to try for myself.

03 Sep 15 9:26 AM

Oh wow I didn't think of companies checking these sorts of sites, given I was using my name on here, I have just updated my profile. Thank you for the hint.

03 Sep 15 10:19 AM

Maybe not a blacklist as such but have you won a comp or a few comps with them before? I think some FB promoters are cracking down to be fair to their other fans. Look at it like this; When an FB comp is run where the entry requires a comment, tag, share that everyone can see then people do notice when they see someone has previously won and they keep coming back time and again to enter, tag, share (I'm not referring to you ) and this is exactly why these promoters are being contacted by other fans who cry "foul, not fair, I've been a loyal fan and won nothing, this person has won x prizes and enters every comp on FB bla, bla, bla..." added to the mix is a look at the entrants FB wall, promoters and others see a picture of multiple competitions entered and form an opinion. I've seen people win an FB giveaway only to come back to enter the same promoters next giveaway to try and win the same prize or similar again and again...There's a lot to said for taking breaks from FB competitions and keeping a low cyber profile. x

03 Sep 15 10:54 AM

@roobycat Same as you :-) and I've taken a big break from comping especially FB giveaways, honestly the feeding frenzy over some cheap tacky products is cringeworthy and if promoters are getting hacked off at the same people entering every one of their giveways, liking, sharing over and over again well they only have themselves to blame, they set the rules.

03 Sep 15 11:04 AM

@Goldmember I do the same, change my user name, profile on forums often and never use my FB name on forums. The internet is a small place if someone wants to see what you have you've been up to in cyber space. Also I clean house often as in go into my FB account, activity log and then comments and delete, delete, delete. There's no useful purpose for old comments to be sitting on a promoters FB page once a competition has long finished, some of those will be also searchable on Google search.

03 Sep 15 11:11 AM

@pickycomper lol! Yes the feeding frenzies are most certainly cringe worthy. As soon as I see a certain comp is one of 'those', I'm outta there. I've seen comps with only about 80 entries, and the same person/people have done atleast 20 of them each, to win something as small as a keyring. WHYYYYY? lol

03 Sep 15 1:34 PM

@pickycomper I think your right, promoters go to look to see if you've shared the comp on your wall and could see an endless stream of comps with their comp 30th on the list. I think they do form an opinion, especially if someone has just entered a comp for one of their competitors and they see it on there. Then the t&cs that say "best answer wins" (if there are any t&cs) pretty much gives them the means to pick any answer they want.

There is also a lot of people who enter many FB comps are are constantly tagging and sharing even when they don't need to. FB may be social media but there seems to be an idea out there that the more you share the more chance you have of winning or that you will have great karma. How silly is that because all your doing is giving yourself less of a chance and your entry becomes lost in sea of other entries then the promoter says I'm not reading all of those because they're all the same and just picks anyone. Makes it hard for everyone including the promoter who ends scratching his/her head wondering where all his new fans went.
@Goldmember I think you've done the right thing. I'm in the process of doing a good spring clean.

03 Sep 15 5:09 PM

Lol yeah I've seen people say over and over 'sharing again'. I'm SO glad they aren't on MY friends list lol

03 Sep 15 6:12 PM

Exactly as you said @roobycat , I think a pro comper is someone who does it for a living, definitely not me or you. I'm just entering as per the T&C's for comps I like. Yes it is unfair to be classified but even if a pro comper does enter I think it's elitest to exclude them if hey follow T&C's

04 Sep 15 10:24 AM

All good advice and just the right time for a spring clean@pickycomper

04 Sep 15 10:28 AM

lol at any cost! @bukfizz. I LOVE candles too, but I'm not gonna do 3 cartwheels, share the post 15 times, tag 123 friends and run around with my undies on my head, just to win one haha

05 Sep 15 10:47 AM

wow lol - I needed my morning cuppa to read this huge comment.
All very interesting.
Noticed a comper must be a classed as a pro comper when nearly every prize they've won in the last month is on ebay.
I absolutely love comping and find it fun and relaxing and promoters shouldn't make a judgement if you have a zillion comps on your fb as it's against their rules to ask you to share anyway so they should just be thankful they are getting free publicity.
Good Luck and hope you all win heaps.
I must say I did win a funky necklace on cool fb page a while back and then stopped entering their weekly giveaways only to be contacted to say I am welcome to keep entering the now I'm entering their giveaways as their prizes are always different and they give away 6-12 per week. So now I feel a little guilty after reading one of the comments above.
I just think there are some really sore losers (seems to be a growing bunch) out there and they are the people who keep complaining, gotta be in it to win it and if they don't like it then they can rack off and find a new hobby to whinge about.

07 Sep 15 9:49 AM

I guess 'sore loser' though, is similar to the old question of 'what is a professional comper' - what is a sore loser? I've been accused of being one of those, when I haven't even entered the comp in question. Doesn't bother me one bit who wins what, so long as they win it fair and square, but I also 'have an issue' I guess, with ones that just want to win anything and everything, for the sake of winning, when someone else could've really wanted and used that prize.
There's a lot of people out there who can't afford the simplest things in life, that many of us take for granted. I've seen people win tickets to movies 3 states away, concerts/shows being held in another state in a few days .... you can't tell me these tickets are all used.
I dunno, blame my many years working in family welfare if you like, but I do think you need to be fair. When it's a 20c cap or bar of soap, or cheap piece of jewellery, or some lollies being won by the same people over and over and over, and all because they have 5000 comping friends they can tag when others don't, or a Facebook page overrun with comp posts because they share and share and share, I do question if they really wanted it to have, or just so they can say they won it. Anyway, just my opinion :-)

07 Sep 15 4:43 PM