
I've Won

A lovely beer o'clock Facebook notification from Birds Eye this Friday arvo in their recent Father's Day promotion -

"Congratulations Christopher! You're one of our lucky winners. Could you please send us your address and contact number? We'll send your prize out to you via tracked envelope as soon as possible!"

One of five $100 Gift Cards - promotion ran from 31/8 to 4/9 with five $100 Gift Cards up for grabs per day of the promotion. Nabbed one on the last day (4/9) it seems. Drawn today. Yay. Will help enormously!

Here's my entry to the question "DADS! What do YOU love most about being a Dad? "

"I love that, despite remonstrations and surly looks aimed squarely at me mostly as 'parental unit', when things go pear-shaped (as they do), my teenagers still come to me for advice, comforting hugs...and yet another Dad�s Taxi Service booking. Where to now, kids? ;) "

11 Sep 15 5:33 PM


11 Sep 15 8:49 PM


12 Sep 15 7:37 AM

Good answer, congrats :)

12 Sep 15 7:42 AM

Cheers all.

12 Sep 15 10:21 AM

Wonderful prize - I love winning giftcards, they come in so handy, well done, thought I saw your name there.

12 Sep 15 1:55 PM

Nice one ! (your shout?)

13 Sep 15 6:25 PM

Love your answer! Very deserving! Congrats - nothing beats a visa card ...
mmm ... car maybe.

14 Sep 15 3:37 AM