
General Chatter

Guessing my delicate topic regarding using existing ideas in verbatim and plagiarism , was too hot to handle. Have any compers come across similar incidents where a response to a creative WOL competition was a clear case of plagiarism? If so did the organizers of the competition take the appropriate action etc?

Kind Regards,

24 Sep 15 10:29 PM

Yes, I did, it stood out like a sore thumb and the "entrant" who put the original response, which won, notified the company directly and they rectified it. It's still a shock to see and it makes you wonder why people do it. It takes all kinds! Happy comping.

25 Sep 15 8:18 AM

Lol I've seen my OWN answers recycled and used by others, which I soon point out. There's a few that are well know for it. And same with photo comps. I've seen people win with photos taken straight off the net

25 Sep 15 8:21 AM

Wow that's integrity for the entrant.

lol about own answers recycled. Yes I've look at winning ones just to get an idea what the judges are looking for. Just the overall style. New to WOL.

Argh for photo competitions you can easily do an image search. I did it for the caption competition first time. Then thought best not to let that influence me. I'm sure they would be aware of existing captions for it.

Well I think more for the Optus competition in the heat of having fun get lot non serious plagiarised entries. I know I did one TV show quote was watching at the time. Right at the end of the comp when I was relaxing. It wasn't meant to be taken serious. Was kinda throwing off the entrant from copying my ideas I posted. Argh was the same person that "won".

Looking at who to contact in Optus in PR. Hmm thinking go from the top down in marketing. I see they have a facebook account. Just need to be very diplomatic to be taken seriously. So far no response from the Optus community. Apart from the "winner" pointing fingers to distract . Another participant very annoyed.

25 Sep 15 11:44 AM

At Uni I dropped the hint about an assignment going around from a previous years to the lecturer. I was living in the halls of residence and group of mates where coming to me to debugged a mess of an assignment. Spaghetti code. Nowhere new my standards. I Did it very diplomatically not mentioning any names. Result was a friendly warning on plagiarism at the next lecture.

25 Sep 15 11:53 AM

I just did a photo comp earlier in the week. It was only open to residents . Was about what local living means to you. Did it bit at the last minute. Luna park with Tram, and beach scene with view towards the city, my view to the town hall, town hall at night. Hmmm could of been more thought put into it. Least got me to work out how to use the camera on the phone and bit of fun. Figured how many residents would actually bother to enter. For $500/250 thought why not.

25 Sep 15 12:01 PM

Thanks for the responses. I wonder who won with a creative caption this week. I'm still waiting for my first win and new member welcome pack.

25 Sep 15 12:08 PM

@roobycat When it was pointed out how did the competition organisers handle it?

25 Sep 15 12:11 PM