
General Chatter

how do i know iv won a mini ipad

30 Sep 15 10:06 AM

You will just know:)

30 Sep 15 3:11 PM

But how?
Phone ? Email? Spam? Mail?

30 Sep 15 3:20 PM

I don't count anything as a win until it turns up on my doorstep.

30 Sep 15 7:40 PM

Hi there totaldiva! Companies advise in different ways. Sometimes who'll get an email that normally starts with Congratulations in your inbox though not always. Good idea to check your spam folder as well as it may go there depending on your security settings and e-mail settings. Sometimes you need to check back on the site and sometimes it just shows up! If you've been hanging out to see if you've won, you can also try sending them a friendly e-mail asking for the winners name. Sometimes how a winner will be advised will be in the T&Cs.
Facebook is different, you may get a PM or have to check back. I always try to check back as lots of winners don't get PMs. Lotsa luck : )

01 Oct 15 10:43 AM

@fourleaf Thanks. It needs a sticky post about what a winning email looks like. With all the spam emails and some deceiving to claim a win or possible winner. I've switched mainly to gmail from hotmail on the advice of this forum blog. Plus my hotmail has got 7000 unread emails to sort through.

01 Oct 15 9:00 PM

Thanks 4leaf

04 Oct 15 3:39 PM