
General Chatter

Has anyone joined the Neilsen scan your shopping? Just want to get any feedback.

01 Oct 15 9:53 AM

That's an interesting question. I didn't know about the Nielsen Consumer Panel before you mentioned it and I googled it. I currently use the IRi Aztec Shopper Panel, and it's a real hassle to scan everything with my phone, although they do have a scanner, I just thought it would be cheaper for them if I used my phone, but it's a pain typing in the amounts. I might give the Nielsen scanner a go as it might be quicker. I'll be able to compare between the two companies as well. Anyway, it means that I can't just put my groceries away when I get home. I have to spread them all out and go through my shopping list scanning each item and entering the price. It's a pain, and I'm not sure it's worth it for the points you get. I'll see if Nielsen have a better ROI.

01 Oct 15 1:35 PM

Doh! They won't let me sign up because I'm already with IRi Aztec.

01 Oct 15 1:40 PM

Hi, Lemond. I haven't been successful yet in joining the Nielsen panel, even after several separate invitations to enrol in the programme. Just not part of the demographic they're targeting currently. I had joined Nielsen/Net Ratings some time back where you download software on your computer running in the background to monitor your online usage. Individuals' data are pooled. More global trending stuff than individual scrutiny. A rewards/incentive programme is attached to the panel. There was a known issue with their software on Apple Mac machines (corrupted audio stream) though engineers were working on that. I had since removed the software. I'm not sure if the issue has been resolved for Mac users yet. Here's the url:
Just another option for you...

01 Oct 15 1:56 PM

@toxicgherkin I completed the final stage for sending out the equipment this morning. They called me about two weeks back and this morning got a email to remind me to complete the final survey.
I was seeing what people thought about it etc, if the rewards are worth it.
I think they are based in New Zealand from my conversation. Was great to talk to and caught me at the right time. I.e. that was after problem solving with Optus chat for an hour to work out how post for their comp.

I already got a $50 coles e-voucher for a long, long, long.... survey a month back. They must of got my details from that.

Hmm @divergent if didn't tell Neilson how would they know.

I've been lazy on the surveys last few weeks while doing WOL comps :).

01 Oct 15 3:08 PM

@toxicgherkin Reluctant to install any software to chew up my limited download at the moment. I.e. just using mobile to tether to the pc. Lucky its an old 5GB plan.

01 Oct 15 3:11 PM

I also installed the Nielsen software on my phone a couple of times, but despite their assertions that it wouldn't change anything, it did slow down my internet activity and even stopped some websites from displaying with a message saying 'Go Away' (different sites, same message). I've installed some survey software on my desktop as well (Valued Opinions, e-Rewards), with similar claims of it not changing anything, but have found that they still do something that kills my connectivity. The points they give you in return are just not worth the hassle of having to repair your operating system after uninstalling their app (severe google searching required),

02 Oct 15 9:52 AM

@divergent Valued Opinions rings a bell somewhere. Thanks will steer clear.

Regarding fixing OS. I find it best if got the space partition the hard drive in two. Same for backup drives. First thing I do when I buy a drive is to plan how to partition it. Doing it later you can run into complications.

That way can install a spare OS to switch to in case of emergency. A couple of days ago I was having trouble with bluetooth, and my mouse wasn't connecting. It gets tricky trying to fix and operating system etc without input devices as an example.

Saves the frustration of having a non working PC and trying to fix it from DOS and can google the problem. A lot of times its just easier to start from scratch from a new OS then work out the problem. And having a backup OS you can relax and get back to work straight away.

02 Oct 15 1:44 PM

Yes - I've been a member of the homescan for about 4 or 5 years now. I scan all of my shopping and I do it as I put my shopping away so no problem and it has also saved me a lot of money as when I am looking at the receipt and putting in the price I often notice I have been overcharged (which I wouldn't have realised if I just popped the shopping away without looking at the receipt).

It is a lot of effort - you don't get more points if you do bigger shops that cost more money. AS long as you scan at least once a week you will get a message on your scanner telling you how many points you have earnt (usually connects automatically on a sat night). I usually earn 2 x $50 prepaid eftpos cards per year, but you could be lucky enough to win one of their mystery comps that will give you some points to boost you up. Hope that helps.

Oh and each Christmas they send you a little prezzie as a thank you for being a member.

04 Oct 15 11:52 PM

@bops18 Thanks. Sounds good. The first part looks like a direct quote I've read about saving money by checking receipts.

Is the home scanning the Nielson shopping scanning or a different company?

Thanks gave me a good understanding what to expect in rewards wise. Guess about the same for using the Coles etc rewards cards. :)

05 Oct 15 10:15 AM

@Lemond lol about direct quote - all my own words and all true :) wish my words sounded that good in wol comps lol.

This is scanning for Nielsen Home Scanning Panel.

You get about 40 points per month, 50 points per family member (I am only a 2 person household) on their birthday to add to points total, 100 points per year on the day you joined plus an odd little survey here or there worth 10 points. There is also the chance by just scanning that you may have scanned their "mystery" product and win some bonus points.

Have fun if you join.

06 Oct 15 11:09 AM

@bops18 hehe maybe it was your own quote I read from somewhere else. Sounded very familiar. Hmmm sounds like as much fun as umpiring cricket. lol.

06 Oct 15 11:10 PM

@bops18 The Nielsen Homescan arrived this morning.

14 Oct 15 10:48 AM

@Lemond Happy Scanning :)

15 Oct 15 9:17 AM