
I've Won

This is a little 'I'VE WON', and a little question. In the last three weeks I've won two WOL prizes that equate to approximately $1100 worth. Now I don't need congratulations or a pat on the back, but question: how often have you won with a WOL answer that you feel is sub-par? I feel that there were more entertaining entries than my own, so it got me pondering :)

01 Oct 15 9:19 PM

@tbone999 Congrats.
I think any creative WOL win is worth a congrats. Damn two wins must have that winning formula or instinctive creative streak. :)

What were they competitions for? Is it possible to share winning examples?
I think I've got to find a balance for what the judges are looking for and humour. From what I've seen if it looks good for marketing point of view then it wins.

Still X fingers for a couple of competitions waiting on the winner announcement. No wins thou only recently been comping.
God please don't tell me it was for the recent Optus caption competition. I still have to do a letter to their marketing department for that one. So plagiarized.

01 Oct 15 11:07 PM

@tbone999 So why do you think your entry won, over the others that seemed more entertaining?

What style works? Poetry, rhyme?

01 Oct 15 11:08 PM

Well done, sometimes when I read the winning answers the win is justified, other times not!

02 Oct 15 8:17 AM

@tbone999 I can understand if don't want to post your winning examples. Any chance to get a taste of the other entry/s and why you thought they should/could of won.

I think comes back to the post I did regarding creativity. It's not the idea but the execution.

02 Oct 15 9:04 AM

@JulieD Yeh creative competitions are subjective by nature. My only gripe is concerning originality lol.

I hope for the yahoo 7, unbreakable AFL moment WOL competition, the judges have got the tissues on standby. The first thing that came to mind was the tribute the hawks and pies did for Adelaide's coach Phill Walsh, joined in unity at the center of the MCG.

02 Oct 15 9:27 AM

@Lemond You probably have a good point with the 'marketing point-of-view' for WOL entries. I guess the judges are marketers, so they have these jingles running around in their head all day, and see potential based on what they read. That might also be why a lot of rhyming entries win as well.

I often hear myself singing little jingles in my head after listening to the ads in the background while I'm on the computer (my mother always has the TV going). "Nobody beats, Super A-Mart" or "Nobody does chicken like KFC" are good clues to what marketers like to hear. Just keep it rhymee and make the product stand out like it's "the best thing since sliced bread." I'm going to give that a go!

02 Oct 15 10:03 AM

@divergent Yeh which is why for one comp just finished which haven't published the winner I don't think I'll win. Idea was there, but lacked in execution to make it marketable. It was for the street art prize, if anyone entered. Looks great. Loved the evil bunny. I might make that my next profile pic. :)

I'm not 100% sure with rhyming and not all poetry has to rhyme. I feel it depends on the competition and what inspiration you get.

All in all its good fun. :)

02 Oct 15 1:54 PM

@Lemond I think poetry that doesn't rhyme requires a little more effort to say it correctly in your brain as you read it. I may be wrong, but I've read some poems before that didn't make sense, but once a true poet read it out loud it just clicked. Rhyming is a poor man's poetry, almost like a limerick, but it get's the job done - mostly.

Roses are red, violets are blue, rhyming or not, it'll have to do! Lol

02 Oct 15 3:46 PM

@tbone999 I assumed that its the first answer they like which is randomly picked. The only reason 25WOL answers occur is because the organisers don't have to apply for special conditions when running a competition. Please correct me if I'm wrong. To satisfy the 25WOL condition promotors can ask questions instead. I don't think there is an awful lot of thought going into judging the 25WOL answers and I assume only two or three people would have to agree. I've won with sub-par 25WOL answers and think its great. Sometimes I put in heaps of effort and sometimes I don't. It's enough that a promotor receives all our details which boosts their contacts/customers in exchange for their product or incentive. Don't assume the entrant is getting a raw deal with all the loops we have to leap through. Its great when people win and actually get their prizes.

04 Oct 15 10:46 AM

@divergent lol. Now I'm torn between "funny" and inspirational/funny for this weeks caption. Pity can't do two entries.

05 Oct 15 10:23 AM

I've often thought I was a worthy winner and sometimes I've thought my winning entry was a bit ordinary. Most of the time, when I've got to see the winning entry it has been good but sometimes I've thought it wasn't anything special. I like Facebook and blog comps where all the entries are listed. It is easy to see what not to enter because often the answers are very similar. I think before you're concerned about rhyming, punning, or being funny etc you must have an original idea.

05 Oct 15 12:38 PM

@jrob71 Yeh a good idea helps. You'll find given the same material you get very similar ideas. I feel execution plays a big part. It's Not What You Say--It's How You Say It!

Agree about facebook and blog comps where you can see entries for what not to enter. Usually about 4 or 5 might stand out of 100. Thou if its multiple entry you may be limiting yourself. Tossing up if I doing that myself. I usually go off on a tangent to be original. Probably missing the mark.

Thinking thou my caption this week might be hmm risky with double meaning. I'm torn with another more general appealing one that might work. After doing mine I realized what another post meant. Same idea just I missed its meaning initially. Still I got my to idea in a round about way.

05 Oct 15 1:46 PM

@jrob71 I always tend to look for the winner's entry to see what was so special, and sometimes been disappointed after reading it. It just highlights the fact that it meant more to the judge than it did to me, perhaps hit their funny bone in someway, but went mostly over my head. So there is no absolute best entry per se, except in the eyes of the judge.

05 Oct 15 2:24 PM

@divergent At least give yourself a good chance.

You know what I really like about facebook WOL competitions. You can check out what other competitions people enter. Wow was madly doing quick entries for random draws that didn't know that existed.

Guessing the will give my facebook away its a mess of competitions tagged. Just use it to bookmark competitions.

05 Oct 15 5:50 PM