
General Chatter

anyone ever win from cohort company?

09 Oct 15 11:22 AM

A question that pops up a lot here. I'll assume No will continue to be the standard answer. :)

09 Oct 15 12:56 PM

I'm not sure, but I know that BrandLeaders and BeQuick are Cohort companies, and they list their winners here... maybe the Cohort ones are here too???

09 Oct 15 1:00 PM

Did you notice that with the BeQuick Mazda Competition it states that any response to the questions (Yes or No or otherwise) will get your details sent to the company for marketing purposes. I wouldn't mind if an affirmative response was forwarded, but not the negative ones, otherwise they'll just be spamming me. Grrr.

09 Oct 15 1:10 PM

@divergent Yeh grr it might explain why I keep getting Dodo calling me, despite that they don't supply a VDSL plan i.e. fibre to the basement. No way would I consider ADSL and risk the slow speeds for the same price.

I didn't notice that bit in the T&C's must be hidden somewhere with all those y/n questions.

Also got a few calls during the AFL Grand Final. Grr I asked them do you know what day it is in Melbourne! Who calls during the middle of the Grand Final!

09 Oct 15 8:02 PM

@MammaPigga84 Did you miss a day or two of the guessing game? Damn 304 daily visits points. Sigh At least today I got some decent daily points after getting 4, 6, 4, 1 for the previous few days.

09 Oct 15 8:06 PM

@Lemond dont think i missed out any guessing game points?

09 Oct 15 10:13 PM

@MammaPigga84 Hmm you've got 350 guessing game points i.e. 7 out of 9 days. With 300+ daily points you should be right up the top of the leader board, instead of hanging around me way down the list.

The Living room codeword is GARAGE :) Just getting around to doing my entry for that.

09 Oct 15 10:22 PM

@Lemond yeah i got code word already thanks . not sure i did or did not miss guessing game points . Heat got to my head this week lol

10 Oct 15 10:35 PM

@MammaPigga84 Nice, good luck for the Living room comp. You can easily check the number of guesses you've had over the last few weeks. I thought possibly something could of happened due to day light savings. Yeh! 47 daily points today another 5 days like that I might have a chance for the top 20.

Talk about heat think I've toasted my eyelids and one hand, umpiring cricket this weekend. I didn't put the sun glasses on. :( God I was stiff yesterday umpiring.

12 Oct 15 9:50 AM

@Lemond hahaha yeah you to Lemond. hopefully someone have finally get jackpot on the living room again , chances are like winning the lottery lol. wish they just let you choose the number and who ever gets it wins or if its a few people same number , draw it from a hat lol. I dont like cricket lol but enjoy the upcoming cricket matches

12 Oct 15 12:42 PM

I won the guessing game once , when i first signed up never have I won again :( and I havent been in a top for long time , come on big daily points

12 Oct 15 12:43 PM

I avoid Cohort like the plague. As soon as I see it's one of theirs, I get the hell away from there as fast as I can! I know telemarketers are only trying to make a living, but seriously, no means no! Ringing 8 million times, isn't going to change my answer. And why is it ok for them to ring me at meal times, but when I ask for their home number so I can call back when it suits ME, they won't give it to me

12 Oct 15 3:33 PM

@MammaPigga84 lol you most likely be on top of the leader board if you hadn't missed one or two days of the guessing game. I need a really good week just to make top 20.

I'm missing my new member joining prize. :( I noticed a new member few weeks back won.

For the Living Room odds are it would take a few years for it to go off. What happens at the end of the promotion period if no one has won?

Thanks, first week umpiring is the hardest. Was a nice day out next to the Caulfield Racecourse. Cricket is like comping you need patience and lots of luck.

12 Oct 15 8:52 PM

@roobycat yeah i think there is a few scaming comp atm like that, saying you win then they spam or try give you a virus

13 Oct 15 11:49 AM

@Lemond havent been on the top of leaderboard for long time, lets hope once of us will see the light LOL

13 Oct 15 11:49 AM