
General Chatter

Is anyone else as overly frustrated as me that they cant enter all the competitions they want to, because they are not a member of a particular social media site (Im not going to even mention its name)
Most times the only way you can enter the competition, is to log on to that particular websites, social media site. With no other form or way of entering the competition
I'm not going to make up some profile fake or otherwise just to enter competitions.
Imagine how much more interest, publicity and entries they might get if they cater to EVERYONE not just the ones that are logged into that particular social media site.
OK I will step down from my soapbox, now that I have said my bit.
Just curious if others feel the same way. Also what, if anything can be done to change companies attitudes.

18 Oct 15 9:04 AM

Haha, you're gonna get me on my soap box now! Yes, that site 'that shall remain nameless' is all over the place. I use to be a member, and I use to use it every day, but as soon as they forced me to use my real name, rather than my 'social' name, I told them where to go! I can't even comment on one of my favourite movie sites, one that I'm a member of, simply because they also (for no reason at all) require me to be logged into this stupid social media site in order to post. There are so many competitions listed, especially on, that I have to ignore because this social media site is used solely for entries, including's own competitions. It's a pain! But, I have to say, as much as I love competitions (and I do, I really do), my hatred for this particular social media site is greater, so I will never rejoin just to enter comps. Rant over.

18 Oct 15 10:36 AM

lol. There's a cure for frustration. I just use mine only as a bookmark and entry for competitions. Another social media site requited, I can't seem to register it keeps saying the email is in use. I'm sure I haven't registered an account previously. If I try resetting the password, just in case already exists it says it can't find it.

19 Oct 15 10:47 AM