
General Chatter

I'm wondering what people think of competitions for family holidays with blackout periods including all school holiday periods. Am I right that all school-aged children are legally required to be in school so technically these prizes are for something that can't be legally used?

19 Oct 15 8:53 PM

That's a good point but I"m thinking it's no different to black out dates being over Christmas etc, People could state that they get time off work at those times. I don't think the company would care, and if I won an overseas trip and had to take my kids out of school for it, I'd do it lol.

20 Oct 15 3:05 PM

I have noticed that too Jrob71. I would love to win a holiday but often the date restrictions rule me out between work and kids. Some only give you a few weeks notice and my lifestyle at the moment is not that flexible.

20 Oct 15 4:21 PM

I wouldn't mind if some of the holidays were blacked-out like Christmas and Easter but one I saw recently was for a seven day local (within Australia) holiday for 2 adults and 2 kids but Christmas, Easter, all school holidays and October long weekend were blocked out leaving no possible travel times when the kids weren't supposed to be in school.

20 Oct 15 8:01 PM