
General Chatter

How and who too do I report a bug in the monthly competition? It seems that valid competitions viewed can be accidentally removed. I'm fairly certain that I lost a few competitions viewed this morning and the likely cause. :(

19 Oct 15 9:14 PM

Hi, Lemond. I do find at times 'Viewed' competitions do sometimes disappear from the comp listing though the count does not decrease. A glitch I suspect.

21 Oct 15 7:14 AM

@toxicgherkin Thanks for your reply.

My count DID decrease. I noticed my competitions viewed and total points amount when I logged in. A few minutes later both decreased by 4 points. They were valid competitions viewed for the month points that were removed. I know what actions I did and I'm 99.99% certain, I've found an exception to the rule. Too much of a coincidence.

After that I've noticed I'm always 5 points below the maximum possible competitions, that can be viewed for the month. I think I might of done the same action once, a day or two beforehand. The first time I was a bit puzzled, but assumed a slight chance I missed one.

I didn't want to publish the probable cause as it might cause headaches for the admins if others tested it. I sent a message about 48 hours back from the contact post.

Aghh still hanging out for the slim possibility of making the top 20 by the end of the month. lol

21 Oct 15 9:33 AM

I know that viewing expired competitions used to decrease your count but that was rectified several months ago. Hopefully @admin and @Zedmin can troubleshoot your (particular) issue, and correct for your monthly count. Fingers crossed. Reminds me to check my scoring....hmmm.

22 Oct 15 11:44 AM

@toxicgherkin I have posted thou no response so far. Was that issue from checking the expired competitions from the link at the bottom right of the screen or another way? Yeh was from viewing just expired competition which was posted this month. I.e. valid competition viewed. The just expired competitons are displayed for a few hours till the morning competition shift kicks in. It's the "early birds" that would be in with a chance for coming across this anonymity.

22 Oct 15 12:39 PM

@toxicgherkin I would retest it, however I need ever point I've been generously given. I would also need to find a competition posted this month, that has just expired.

22 Oct 15 1:08 PM

Yes, Lemond. Compers used to lose a point for viewing PREVIOUSLY VIEWED/CLICKED-ON competitions. I did find that frustrating as I could never recall if I had clicked on a particular competition or not, as weeks went by. It's an age thing. Lol. I was very happy to find that admin had amended the scoring algorithm. That said, I don't know why you would be losing points for viewing expired comps. Oh, and yes, it was the bottom right of screen click to access Expired Competitions where I used to lose points...Happily that is not longer the case...though now I need to recheck..Damn OCD...Lol

22 Oct 15 6:30 PM

@toxicgherkin Thanks,

It seems there is still a way to lose points for competitions viewed. The way it happened for me was by viewing competitions which were posted for the current month after midnight. These competitions I had previously viewed/entered. Competitions just expired are displayed for a few hours until the new daily competitions are posted. Verses going to the link at the bottom of the page.

So my guess they only fixed 1/2 of the problem.

I don't think I want to dive into the front end to see what might be causing it. I'm a bit rusty. Don't tempt me. I've decompiled and laboriously, reconstructed client and server side java applets just to see how they work.

Ok too late had a sneak peak. Now got a headache. lol.

lol I had the problem last month as competitions viewed weren't displaying as viewed. It seemed to update if I clicked on the "save for later" and "not interested" options, to save me loading up the page again. Might of been my browser issue. It seems fine this month so far.

I usually click on all the new competitions and load them up all at once when I log in the morning. Also late night. Checking the 2nd page and feature competitions which can sneak up on you.

The issue will only affects the "early birds" turning over those random rocks looking for the worm before it gets snapped up. I've noticed a few regulars. :)

22 Oct 15 10:00 PM