
General Chatter

Hmm is there a problem with the daily points today? Not showing, so far not awarded?

Skip that seems ok. :).

01 Nov 15 9:23 AM

You have to click on a competition first before it will show up at the beginning of a new month.

01 Nov 15 10:00 AM

@divergent Yeh I did that thanks. It was a bit slow showing up. :). Was still waking up as well. :) What happened to you on the monthly leaderboard divergent? You started off well for the first half. Looked like you went missing for a while. Thought you might be busy with exams or something, :)

01 Nov 15 5:54 PM

Something pretty weird happened last month. Somehow I missed visiting the site one day. I couldn't understand how that happened, since I'm normally so vigilant about it. I realised that I wasn't going to be in the top ten after that, so I didn't bother with the competition points, since I rarely enter them (I don't use Facebook). A new month now, and a new chance to get into the top ten, and hopefully the top three!

02 Nov 15 9:05 AM

@divergent Agh explains what happened. Yeh, a noticed a couple of people had similar issues with missed points. It would be nice if the admin looked into the possible cause. As it seemed an intermittent problem it is most likely at the user end. Like a connection/browser issue.

I just use facebook for competition entries, god I even created an Instagram, Twitter and Discuss account last month. lol. The good thing about Facebook you can see competitions that other people enter if they shared, which is usually a requirement to complete entry. Way to find competitions you didn't know about.

Good luck for the new month.

02 Nov 15 2:18 PM