
General Chatter

I thought I might get back into doing some competitions as it's coming up to Christmas and...I stumbled upon a FB page where the promoter is hacked off about finding his prizes for sale on eBay. I don't sell any prizes I win but I've never had a problem with anyone else doing it. If you win the prize it's yours to do whatever right?

19 Nov 15 9:17 AM

I think a lot of sites just want their fans to win, as a reward for being a fan, or someone who actually wants the prize, and has probably given a good reason for why they want it in the 25 WOL. Although the winner may well have been a fan, or had a good use for the prize but has since changed circumstances, someone who sells it is more likely just to be a general comper who entered just because of the value of the prize, or maybe just to get a high from winning. That's just the divide between the minds of the promoters and the compers, and neither is wrong, just different. If we all thought the same, life would be pretty undramatic. I wouldn't feel guilty if I was caught selling a prize. A prize is still a prize, whether it's the actual prize or just the money the sale provides for other things.

20 Nov 15 9:18 AM

really?, once you win it ,its your to do what ever you want with it , i re gift most of my gifts at christmas to family & friends, I find it saves me a lot of money, not to mention my F & F's get some pretty cool stuff & yes i have sold items on gumtree & ebay

21 Nov 15 10:04 AM