
General Chatter

Does anyone have any other websites they use apart from I haven't had much luck finding my own legit websites for competitions or perhaps I'm being overly cautious. Thank you and I hope everyone is having a fab Sunday :)

22 Nov 15 3:54 PM

I use for a lot of competitions, as they have far more than are available here. It's open to the public (non-paying members) to add competitions as well, and to comment on comps, etc. It has its limits, unless you're a paid member, but I get by okay without having to pay for anything. It's good for answers as well, especially for magazine comps. I basically only use that and this site.

22 Nov 15 5:53 PM

23 Nov 15 11:38 AM

I primarily use I like the friendly forum. :)

I find it's easier to keep track of what competitions you have entered. List competitions similar to with a few extra.

One major question. How do compers keep track of what competitions they have entered to avoid double entering competitions and breaking the terms and conditions?

What I do is bookmark as entered. Decided as was getting messy to do a separate bookmark folder for each month. Another folder for multiple entries and another for all those gleam random draws to tick off for each day. God checking my November bookmarks I've been busy. My bookmarks are a mess from the last couple of months. lol

I wish was a little easier to keep track of competitions entered. I find the toggles for saved of not interested a bit slow to use. Would be great to have Entered Competition, Bookmark to enter later options.

Sometimes I google for what I might like to win. After a while, you tend to find promoters the due regular weekly competitions. Like PC Case gear usually do one each week that ends 5pm Monday. And Android Authority does regular weekly comps.

I will put a few international comps etc later I've found over the last week.

23 Nov 15 11:07 PM

I now keep it simple.
I tried a few things, a spreadsheet, bookmarks and folders but with the different closing dates things did get messy and I was constantly checking and clearing out old competitions. I now use a very simple book with abbreviations, not exactly state of the art but it's easy to refer back to without having to switch screens and update information all the time. I have about six things I record-
cl 24/11 (closing date) dr 26/11 (draw date) in a margin on the left then
multiple/ once only/ 25 WOL/ daily/weekly etc
*Any Special notes -ie need to check back on site for winning announcement (or anything that stands out in the T&Cs) Once the comp is closed I cross out the closing date. It's simple, easy to look through and saves me time.
I only enter the comps I'm really interested in winning and this helps keep my answers fresh too. Nothing worse than compers headache.

24 Nov 15 7:50 PM

@fourleaf Some really good ideas. I was thinking spreadsheet and save the links and dates etc. I tried electronic Post IT notes mainly for WOL. That quickly became a mess. I also occasionally use the forum to remind me what daily gleam comps still going lol. Just posted a sample tonight.

Once you got 30 plus comps going at the same time with varying closing dates etc becomes a task. A book is a bit manual for most online competitions. Might suit WOL competitions. My WOL folder on the PC needs a spring clean.

Definitely need to organise it at least for each month. I find it handy at least bookmark as entered in case I come across the same competition again. If reposted or another forum.

Can get tricky with some Terms and conditions that are multiple entries but limit how many in a specific time period. Or run over long time periods.

Yeh same I generally enter competitions I'm only interested in. So when has a makeup giveaway day etc I sometimes trawl the internet for global competitions. Thou take a bit of time checking terms and conditions to make sure can enter.

24 Nov 15 9:27 PM

Thank you so much for your comments :) I don't and haven't kept track in any way so that sounds like a good idea because sometimes it's hard to remember what I've entered and I am from tasmania so I find myself excluded from quite a few competitions but that's ok I'll check out these sites thank you :)
Does anyone enter the sweepon take 5 and woman's day? I've entered them both a few times but wasn't sure if they were legit - only because it's such a simple entry and most of the instagram comps I've seen you have to follow 5 hundred different pages and do this and that. Lol all in fun and games I guess. Happy hump day all and good luck with whatever you want to win :D

25 Nov 15 10:49 AM

@Sellwood92 The sweepon / Womans Day comps are genuine and further down you'll find comments from people who have won. Keeping track of comps you've entered is a good idea and sometimes when you go back to the site there are extra comps listed that aren't on here especially if the company has just run a big comp. ( They run smaller comps afterwards to keep interest up) This is another reason I use a book and a highlighter pen. I just find a book is easier and I can always refer back to it when I'm not on the computer and there's no updating required. Sometimes companies run comps where you have to comment everyday to win or have some special conditions and I make a note so I don't forget because I'd hate to loose my chances. Saves time and multiple files.
Saying that though lots of people do use spreadsheets and I'm sure @Lemond is going to come up with a brilliant idea and I can't wait for him to share!!! ;)

25 Nov 15 11:20 AM

PS Some people use an app called Evernote to record 25 WOL answers or ideas ( I use memo) Very easy to use

25 Nov 15 11:30 AM

@fourleaf Is it ok to enter all the Sweepon sister sites on the same day? It's a little confusing the terms and conditions. I have a feeling you can only enter once over all sites.

FAQ states
Sweepon, by Take 5 and Woman's Day, have the same prizes – can I enter on both websites?
You can enter once per prize, per site, per day. These are sister sites.

Terms and Conditions state
5.   Entrants may only enter once (1) per day per prize. A maximum of one (1) prize will be awarded per person for the entire Promotional Period, excluding SA and ACT residents.

There's a small catch as only awarded one prize so sometimes I don't enter a prize if don't need or like it. How long is the promotional period?

I have those automated listed on the home page as enter them daily lol.

25 Nov 15 5:14 PM

@fourleaf For WOL I use Open Office and save to separate folders for each competition under my WOL comps. Thou need to split this up for monthly I generally do one once a week or so. Been a couple of weeks since doing the last one as been busy with cricket umpiring. Got a few to work on tonight.

Need a text editor that has a word count etc tools. A handy feature is the auto recovery for documents as my PC crashes way to often. Grrrr. I need to win a new PC.

Spreadsheet sounds a good idea so can sort by end date etc. Thou haven't gone to that extreme yet. Usually, I just quickly bookmark as enter and bookmark again under multiple entry for this month. I'm too busy finding the next Internation competition or recovering from a PC crash.

25 Nov 15 5:24 PM

@Lemond Yes the T&Cs are confusing but I'm think you can enter each day from three sites - sweepon, take 5 and Womans Day. In fact I just tested this again by entering a cash draw and the three entries were accepted for the same prize. If I try to enter again it basically says come back tomorrow which further proves my theory that you can enter from the three sites. It would be picked by a random selection program so I wouldn't be too worried about it - if the system let's you place an entry it's already validated that the entry is OK. I saw the frequently asked questions on Google search but it's not the whole story. Not sure on how long it runs for but the prizes are updated reasonably frequently.

25 Nov 15 6:05 PM

@fourleaf I know it's accepted on each site only once per day. :) Thou I hope it's not breaching terms and conditions. Very unusual to find a competition that can enter for the same prize on three sites once each. It's nice when a competition tells you've already entered.

25 Nov 15 6:51 PM