
I've Won

I am shuching Chang, I won a guess number (152) -PayPal 50 dollars about a few weeks ago. How can I calm prize? Please inform me. I would love buy something nice for my kids. Thank you.
Name-Shu-Ching Chang
Address-2 Old Bush Road, Engadine 2233 NSW Australia
Phone -0295486282

23 Nov 15 1:57 PM

@shuching Did you try contacting the administrators on the contact form? It's right down the bottom of the page for Contact Us option. Does send an email out to confirm the win? Is there a reply back to claim period?

Damn I thought for a moment I had this weeks number of 870. I put it down last week and close to it. If only had that extra daily guess. Sigh x fingers for top 20 on the leaderboard. Looking a fairly close contest this month. Good luck all.

23 Nov 15 10:44 PM

You should of received an email, did you use a different email address

24 Nov 15 1:47 PM

Thank all of members help me . I am very happy and greatful your kindness. Thank you very much .

26 Nov 15 10:56 AM

Shuching I think you should take down your personal details i.e. address as you have just made all that info public :)

27 Nov 15 4:54 PM

Agree! Perfect way to find yourself registered to a mountain of spam.

27 Nov 15 5:59 PM