
General Chatter

Rats, I forgot to visit again yesterday. That's twice this month, so no leaderboard win for me. Interestingly, I notice that if I did enter the Guessing Game on both of those days I missed, I would be at Number 1. Cest la vie!

26 Nov 15 1:22 PM

Big hug.. Argh I bombed out with a string of low daily scores at the start of the week. Teasing me from last week. Sometimes I wonder how random the daily scores are. Last month was either 4 or 44 this month 1 seems to be the rage. lol

It looks pretty close for the monthly leaderboard this month. At the start of the week, I thought might have an outside chance. At least for the Top 20. Now be pushing it. Hopefully next week my luck will turn.

Good Luck for next month. :)

26 Nov 15 3:28 PM

Doh guess what daily points got today :( Least could of been 6 6 6 after tonight's' quick T20 match I umpired.

Should just bet on 4 for daily points this last couple of months.

I was starting to suspect if daily points are totally randomized last month and did a quick read. Any web developers suspect the implementation of the daily points system? From a brief read if it's done in the browser it may be flawed. Thou not really my expertise.

This month I tried mixing up which browser I log in with and varying the time of login. Sounds bit superstitious lol.

Seriously from a web developers view any expert opinion on the implementation of the daily points?

27 Nov 15 12:13 AM

I also get a little paranoid sometimes about my daily points, especially when some people get 100+ more then me over the month. But it does come and go. Sometimes I have a week of little ones, and then a week of big ones the following week.

As for the randomality of the computer generated points, I know from experience that you really need to use a complex randomiser to make it completely random. The one supplied in Javascript and PHP are far from random. I use the Math.random function in Javascript through a Firefox extension that I made to fill in my guessing game entries, and it's not unusual for the numbers to be close to each other, especially when I enter them around the same time each day. It's just not good enough for truly random numbers.

27 Nov 15 3:49 PM

@divergent Agree to you need a complex randomiser to be completely random. I think Gleam run competitions use one. For the daily points I think it's just done in javascript on the client side then sent to the server. Could be wrong haven't fully inspected the javascript but noticed a random function somewhere.

Yeh nice to see it under 100 points gap. Gives you the feeling of hope. Last month was 150 away at the half way mark. :(

Number 4 for me has come up way to often in the last month. Was going to mention it last month. Was at least 6 times. Usually mine goes high, low , high, low etc. Barely had any in the 20's or teens over 3 months. Until I rotated browsers for a few days this last week. To test how random. Then got a string of 50's. Then a string of 1's and lows on the next rotation. Doh! l hope they keep low for the rest of the month, then make up for it next week with a string of highs. :)

I think some of the issues could be javascript related people may be experiencing for lost points etc. I suspect if you switch pages too quickly after selecting enter a competition, it is registered as viewed but hasn't had the chance to send that to the server. My first month I noticed something like this happening a few times. Only when I toggled the save /not interested competition options it would update. Then the competition would display back to Enter from Viewed. Slow process thou.

The first thing I do is do the guessing game which is bookmarked. Usually just after midnight with a few regulars I noticed. :) Sunday usually bit later like to check out what number won. Plus cricket umpiring I'm a bit exhausted.

Good Luck for next months leaderboard.

Thou I think @toxicgherkin mentioned it's his birthday NYE. :) I don't think I've passed him at the close of a day on the leaderboard since joining. I'm going to have to wait till April to have a chance.

27 Nov 15 5:56 PM

@Lemond Once in a while I check the stats of the top players on the Leaderboard and compare competitions viewed. I've never come across any unregistered (viewed but not registered) competitions before. Usually I'm equal to what the top players are, but I'll monitor it on a more regular basis.

I have now and then go through the previous days competitions and found a competition that I haven't viewed before. I always check that I've clicked them all, but somehow one sneaks into the old list every now and then. How this happens is beyond me. :S

28 Nov 15 7:32 AM

Oooo, the first of the month and I got 1 point today. How very generous! ;)

01 Dec 15 8:33 AM

@divergent lol. Sorry, I got four 1's over the last two weeks. I know how it feels. Thou shouldn't laugh too much I'm bound to get a 4 tomorrow. Good news there's 30 more days to make it up.

01 Dec 15 8:47 AM

@divergent Assuming you didn't get a 50 yesterday. I'll place a $2 bet @ 50 to 1 for a 50 tomorrow. Seemed most times I got a 1 was followed up by a 50.

01 Dec 15 9:30 AM

@divergent That's weird how can people have like couple of viewed comps today but no daily points awarded?

01 Dec 15 9:35 AM

Close, 36 points today. Heading in the right direction though, lol.

02 Dec 15 8:19 AM

Ooo, 1 again today. I'm winning from the wrong end, lol.

05 Dec 15 9:23 AM

@divergent :(. For about 30 seconds till I enlarged the page I thought I got 1. 41 Thankgod. Sounds like you had a horror run to the start of the month. You passed me on daily points couple days back. Been a slow start. The leaders already approaching +100 daily points ahead.

I'll post some international electronic PC etc competitions up tomorrow to help cheer you up. :). Appliances online got a creative competition for a nice TV open till Monday morning.

05 Dec 15 10:23 AM

I got 3 today. At least it's heading in the right direction again, lol. No doubt I'll finish with a hiss and a roar. ;)

06 Dec 15 5:08 PM

@divergent OMG Not looking like your month. God you're about 58 daily pts below par. ( Avg 25.5 per day) No wonder I couldn't see you on the leader board. :( Hang in there you might scrap into the top 20 with a good run. So looks like around 60 regulars enter daily. Can't believe MammaPigga's run of luck and has bolted out of the starting gate.

I put up a nice MS Surface Book competition last night. I've been on a lookout since it's launch for those. :).

I must do a run of entering in competitions been a bit slack due to been a bit crook most of the week.

06 Dec 15 7:25 PM

I haven't been able to post for the last couple of days. Every time I click Post, the button changes to Please Wait and nothing else happens. I finally cleared my browser history, and it is all working again.

I'm going to stop grissling now. I've gotten 46 and 48 over the last two days so I'm happy again! ;)

08 Dec 15 7:54 AM

@divergent lol :). Got a 49 and 23 so solid daily points to tease me around the Top 20. I was way overdue for some 20's. Cool sounds like was a browser issue. You haven't missed much apart from the competition for "ideas". Looking more like a pie throwing contest!

08 Dec 15 9:12 AM

@divergent Apps Snaps. The only app you need is a called a browser app for I noticed a few keep bringing up Apps to solve world hunger. They forget a browser is an App!

08 Dec 15 9:15 AM