
Voting Requests

My friend Sarah Stoneham has her eyes on the prize, I'd really appreciate your likes on her behalf - just like her comment "win" here:

10 Dec 15 8:28 PM

Apart from being a good friend why do they deserve a roof restoration? I couldn't see a comment why they need one. Looks like two are in the running.

11 Dec 15 1:45 AM

Sarah has been trying to improve her house to accommodate 5 kids. Roof restoration is on the list of things she wants done but there are more pressing jobs before that - she just doesn't have the money.

12 Dec 15 8:07 PM

Thanks. Only query why she didn't put her case to the forum herself? I don't mind giving her a vote on your active participation on the forum etc. I would prefer they present their own case to rally the troops and secure the win. :)

Voted. She has fallen slightly behind she needs to rally the troops. :)

13 Dec 15 10:49 PM

Thanks Lemond. Sarah is not a 'comper' buy thought she'd try her hand at this one because she really wants it. She probably doesn't know and this forum exist. Buy yes, she does need to rally the troops.

14 Dec 15 7:52 PM

118, still behind a little bit

15 Dec 15 11:02 PM

Yeah - I don't so voting comps myself. It's sad enough having only a few Facebook friends without having it rubbed in my face.

16 Dec 15 7:53 PM

@Jrob71 lol. I don't use Facebook as a "friends" magnet. It's primary for competition requirements. I think competitions with referrals or most shared wins could lead to abuse of the spirit of the competition. I noticed on some sites members push what would be acceptable in the spirit of the competition. One solution is to put a cap on how many referrals etc.

I was thinking for one competition last month how could I utilize members to help get a prize. You had to get x amount of referrals to get a guaranteed prize etc. Thou the terms and conditions were restrictive about how you promote referrals.

One thing lacking on this site is members not sharing competitions found externally for like referral chains for competitions to help each other. At least as a thank you for the effort of finding a competition and sharing etc. If the forum had a separate category for Competitions to share for them this would be a quick way to share them in an organized manner.

To help members share competitions found to increase participation, and reward active members maybe they could add a template to submit competitions found and for each unique competition shared give a bonus point to their monthly tally. So this isn't abused it would need a cap like a maximum of 10-20 competitions per month and rules regarding last minute competition shared towards the end of the month with a cut off date etc.

17 Dec 15 3:00 PM

@Lemond I must admit I've never given it that much thought but you have some good ideas there.

17 Dec 15 9:28 PM

@Jrob71 Looks like Sarah is going to have a very happy New Year with a $3,500 roof restoration :) Still a day to go for last minute voting.

30 Dec 15 1:23 AM

Yes. I don't think I'll bother telling her about the DVD I won last week. And I'm the comper.

30 Dec 15 8:15 PM

@Lemond we use to get points for comments in the forum but it got abit out of hand, as for points for competitions , we'd end up with double ups, like we do still get anyway.

31 Dec 15 8:54 AM

@bj74 lol points for comments/cash for comments yeh that could get out of hand without a cap. Damn I can't seem to get into the top 20. I could do with a couple extra points.

31 Dec 15 5:46 PM

@Mandi_22 Thanks. I should contact her and see how it's all gone.

31 Dec 15 8:20 PM

@bj74 Oh, is that why the forum has gone quiet. I come because I like the company.

31 Dec 15 8:21 PM

@Jrob71 :) Looks like she has got the WIN all sealed up with a good lead. You should get her to join up :)

Same I enjoy the friendly banter in the forum.

Have a happy New Year and lots of luck.

31 Dec 15 9:52 PM

@Lemond Lots of luck (and skill where necessary) to you too.

02 Jan 16 8:17 PM