
General Chatter

HI! Did anyone else receive and email from Comps with request to sign up with Pure Profile?

06 Jan 16 5:20 PM

Hi, Annaar. I don't recall specifically though, like most, I'm inundated with emails of varying degrees of importance, shall we say...aka SPAM!. This website has recently commenced mass email-outs for its promoted competitions, some of which are being cross-promoted by other entities. It's a 'marketing thing'. Point and click. Point and click! As far as PureProfile goes, it's a survey site, and rewards quite well. By admission, I do have an account with PureProfile, though somewhat of a lapsed member. Surveys were the death of me. Too many surveys from too many (voluntarily signed-up-to) accounts with various sponsors. I'll get back to them one day. They are helpful for the occasional grocery shopping gift card (Woolworths, Coles) or movie tickets and the like. Small potatoes but it all helps, and as long as you're having fun.....why not? Best of luck with it all. Cheers...and apologies for the GIF... ;)

07 Jan 16 4:16 PM

HI Toxicgherkin, thank you for the reply and explanation... I agree, it all helps! Too many surveys and when they become a chore, it's time to let it lapse.

I did a survey years ago, for years Pet insurance people wouldn't take a no and kept on calling. Today I told them that in the place that we live pets aren't allowed, it's true. Not even goldfish...

I've noticed a lot of gifs around these days... haven't seen them since I went online way back in the mid 90's.

07 Jan 16 4:33 PM

Yes I got an email a couple of days ago for PureProfile. I haven't looked into it. It looks like it was from Generally I ignore emails for "competitions" where I didn't initiate contact first as I lot are spam.

@Toxicgherkin Thanks I might check it out. I started doing surveys a few months back till they got too much to bother with.
Have you put in your entry on freestuff? I think I joined up a couple of months ago on a referral link of yours. :) The $500 Cash Grand Prize draw still has entries left.

08 Jan 16 12:21 AM

Love the GIF, it says it all @toxicgherkin @toxicgherkin

08 Jan 16 8:22 AM