
General Chatter

A long the line of competitions, US Lotto has reached $1.3 billion USD and now we can purchase tickets as well ... minimum spend $14USD, $20 AUD

If you ONLY select correct red ball, you get $5 lol

Chances of winning are very slim, but never know unless we try ...

13 Jan 16 3:55 PM

What are the terms and conditions for purchase and if you win? From what I briefly saw on A Current Affair you don't directly purchase a ticket. Sounded like you place a bet with the Australian site on the US Lotto and they buy a ticket to insure against the bet. No catches like they only pay a percentage etc etc?

I reckon my chances of winning the US Lotto would be better then me winning this months leaderboard lol.

13 Jan 16 8:15 PM

Will have to look into it.... Pretty sure that my chances are just like yours :-) Was reading somewhere that the chance of 1.3 billion which is probably more by now since there is a freenzied buying spree is something along the lines of 1:250 million

13 Jan 16 9:04 PM

From their website if you can get in.

All states except SA can play US Powerball
Only QLD, TAS, ACT and NT can take
advantage of the free game promotion

I think they are having a promotion for those states to enter in free till Midnight. Which was mentioned on ACA


Will try and get more info from the site. Having problems might be having high load atm.

Damn I'm from VIC can't get a free entry. :(

13 Jan 16 9:06 PM

Thank you!! Guessing there will be some charges added to playing overseas game by the people in Australia.

13 Jan 16 9:13 PM

@Annaar Yeh you pay a premium of $10.50 v's USA of $2.
Anyone from QLD, TAS, ACT and NT here taken advantage one free entry offered?

@Mellyxo ?

13 Jan 16 9:16 PM

Something to do with the gaming license that NT acquired ... might give i a miss

13 Jan 16 9:21 PM

it already reached 1.5 billion, by the time it goes off it will get to 2billon. LOVED the comment that if you have almost 600million that you want to spend, you can buy every single combination... the problem is that after tax you'll have less left

13 Jan 16 9:22 PM

@Annaar You can't directly enter the US Lotto from Australia. They also do other lottos around the world in the same manner. Yeh they have a gaming licence that allows them to bet on the US Lotto. They buy a ticket with your numbers to hedge against the bet.

13 Jan 16 9:30 PM

@Annaar Hmm odds of winning the US Lotto still better then me getting 6 50's in a row to get me near the Top of the Leaderboard. Probably still wouldn't win the monthly leaderboard with that

13 Jan 16 9:33 PM

you might be luckier getting to the top of the leader board then winning US lotto

Since you pay them to get you he ticket, wouldn't surprise me if they'll pocket the winnings. Telling you that you didn't enter, something went wrong, you gave them different numbers.... unless I'm the one who submits the ticket, I'm not touching it

13 Jan 16 9:53 PM

@Annaar lol 50^6 = 15,625,000,000. So 6 straight days of getting 50 of I would almost catch the leaders assuming they had 6 average days. 148 points behind at the moment.   Now what was the odds of the US lotto 200 million?

13 Jan 16 10:34 PM

@Annaar I know some aussie lotto sites only pay like say upto $20,000 for Powerball etc. Can't recall the exact terms and conditions. If you won the minor divisions you got full payment. The issue was if you won the first couple of divisions.

13 Jan 16 10:38 PM

That's why I'll not be entering the USA one ... on the home ground, read somewhere that if you live in VIC ch 7 have comp going for tix to Australian Open.... was going to book mark it but my phone reception kept on dropping out... 2 hrs of that nonsense and I've used up 100mb of data lol

13 Jan 16 10:45 PM

@Annaar Damn. Reminds me must get around putting the internet on where I am. Just using my 5 GB mobile data connected to the pc, which is usually enough. It will be a big difference with unlimited data on TPG fibre to the basement VDSL. Won the internet lotto last year when they connected the building up :).

Good luck with tomorrow's daily points. Popping out doing some late shopping before the change hits. Damn it's still warm in Melbourne.

13 Jan 16 11:00 PM

Hope they connect you soon! Don't know why the phone kept on dropping out.. must have been the area I was in ... although outside had no problem, just indoors...

thank you! Good luck to you too... almost fell over when I noticed 49 points this am, as yesterday was 6 ... must be totally random

13 Jan 16 11:17 PM

@Annaar if your going to the tennis, hint get seats on the west side of the stadiums not too close to the court for the shade in the arvo.
Yeh 49 today. Only 5 more great days in the next week and in with a chance. :)

Thanks guess the site was having problems coping with the mass of people trying to enter.

14 Jan 16 12:28 AM

Fingers crossed for you :-) I'm looking forward to winning this year ... last year was just sad, and it was my first year of entering a lot of comps... so far this year, nothing...

Since I'm out of work, every little bit helps.. sadly Christmas I had to resort to making things instead of buying gifts

People have lost the plot and crashed the site LOL

Someone commented on facebook that he didn't buy the ticket in the US lotto, that he payed for the numbers with Australian Gambling Co

Some crazy people are saying that they don't want to win that much, as everyone will want them to help 1. You never tell a soul that you've won.... 2. Money comes in annually as income.... 3. Still work and donate a lot ...

Never had money apart from basic income and some family always wanted help, they wanted luxuries and expected others to pay for them. As my reply was a NO or ignoring their requests, they don't talk to me any more LOL

14 Jan 16 12:48 AM

@Annaar lol. Well I put a lot of international competitions random draws on Monday in the forum. It's a numbers game for the random draws. Enter 1000 competitions win 1. lol.

The best odds are for word or less competitions if your good at them. I've been slack on those for the last month. Haven't seen any that interest me.

Well if you know the laws of cricket they are always looking for umpires on the weekend. :) . Tax Free etc players usually well behaved. :)

14 Jan 16 1:00 AM

I know it's a numbers game. Too many competitions need you to purchase something. I stay away from those.

Sometimes I can think of something 'witty' to say, other days not.

By the time I see some fb comps they already have 200+ comments, I move on

Thank you for the tip, I don't follow cricket. Money would be good. Applying for work is a numbers game as well... More stressful then comping lol

14 Jan 16 7:48 AM

Hey @Lemond ... Will definitely sus it out. I don't normally play lotto but my husband loves to get a ticket for all the big ones :)
If we win I will throw some your way!!! :)

14 Jan 16 1:14 PM

Lucky numbers were .... For those who took a US Powerball ticket for $2.15 billion, the winning numbers are: 8, 27, 34, 4, 19,10 (from news limited)

14 Jan 16 3:16 PM

@Annaar Grr some of those numbers are my lucky numbers for birthday. lol.

14 Jan 16 11:29 PM

@Mellyxo The one free entry was for selected States for the promo which ended last night at midnight for one free entry. Unfortunately Victoria was excluded. :(

14 Jan 16 11:36 PM

@Lemond just posted a message and attached it to another thread..

14 Jan 16 11:41 PM