
Tips & Tricks

Hi Compers!

Here's the latest post from the Blog:


Happy Winning!


14 Jan 16 10:35 AM

A LOT and I mean A LOT of people how social media accounts dedicated to comping. Each time I get on fb to enter a comp there already 200+ comments.... almost not worth it

14 Jan 16 11:05 AM

@Annaar Free entry except internet data charges and depreciation of hardware used to enter. :). Gives you practice for WOL competition if it's that for next time. Feeling you get when you win! Priceless.

Even if it's only free WIFI and one nights stay in Japan. Travel expenses excluded. :)

14 Jan 16 11:46 AM

Yeh gone are the days of posting in entries by mail. Especially as the cost of mail has gone up. Just imagine all the paper and postage that's being saved.

14 Jan 16 11:53 AM

WOL? Wifi is expensive...Leaving your phone on roaming even more :-)

The stamp now costs $1, plus there was always things getting lost

14 Jan 16 12:31 PM

@Annaar lol the WIFI/Japan reference was an in joke to member. WOL means in comping terms words or less.

14 Jan 16 11:33 PM

@Lemond Worked out what WOL meant after I asked and didn't know how to delete the message lol

14 Jan 16 11:42 PM

Just a note, remember it's against Facebook Terms of Service to have more than one facebook account. So no-one can have a second or "fake" facebook account to tag themselves. (I found one the other day that won a prize).

Also "technically" it's also against Facebook Terms of Service for promoters to ask you to share or tag a friend. Most do though and I share and tag now and then. Just a note, I guess Facebook is trying to get you to keep all your friends and not loose them because you overshared! (4-2 then scroll to "Promotion Guidelines" at the bottom of the page then E3)
I will share and tag now and then and there are so many pages that ask you to do it especially smaller ones. I have heard of some Compers that have nearly had their Facebook pages shut down for oversharing. (eg the person who shares the most wins)
I saw a comp the other day that asked for people to tag 10 friends!
Just be aware of the fact that's all and happy comping.

15 Jan 16 7:29 PM

@fourleaf Thanks. Thou never have tagged people of facebook competitions. Usually avoid those comps. Minus the one I just posted be the first close to that kind of comp. Thou its share a link generated thou entry form is on facebook. I would love a win. :)

Actually I think Facebook are about release a version for businesses. Where I think you can have two and separate private and business. Well I only use facebook for comps. If friends what to share something they can pop over or call. :)

15 Jan 16 8:22 PM

@fourleaf God reading terms of facebook. Hmm no false personal information. I'm not sharing my birth date with them etc for identity thieves to harvest.

15 Jan 16 8:30 PM