
Feedback / Suggestions

@admin, @Zedmin, so, why is it that some account holders can view (with 'count' for viewing) comps that seem to be hidden from other account holders? This is a chronic problem, that is unrelated to comps added late then being expired. There seems to be an inconsistency in what each and every account can view. Please respond.

14 Jan 16 8:57 PM

I'm guessing how is it you missed a competition?

I've noticed a couple of strange things. I was only lucky to noticed somehow I "missed" a competition. I first noticed from viewing one of the top few profiles on the leaderboard that I was down one competition. Then using filtering to hide entered competitions didn't give any results. I started toggling the saved and not interested options on a few competitions in hope to try and reset the "Viewed/Entered" for that missing competition. I was lucky to find it almost straight away else I wouldn't of worried. Somehow a competition that I have "Viewed/Entered" hasn't registered with the leaderboard points, but shows up as "Viewed". I found this trick initially when I joined up if this happens try toggling the options. By doing this it resets the "Viewed/Entered" with the server If it hasn't been registered/counted as viewed but is displaying as "Viewed".

14 Jan 16 11:56 PM

Lemond, yes I do try that each month if there's one or two that I seemed to have missed. Given this stage of the month, that's a whole lot of clicking involved. Then you also run the risk that the comp has expired so no point! No points!

15 Jan 16 8:18 AM

@toxicgherkin Yeh it's a slow process toggling the options in the hope find the rouge competitions. I was lucky to find one this month that was expiring on that day took me about one minute. It definitely was displayed as "Viewed" and changed back to "Enter" after toggle the options.

Trying to understand you initial question.

I wouldn't think competitions would be hidden from particular members. I would check if any filters are set up (easy to forget) and are on page one of the list. I find it best first go to page 1 before setting the filters.

I had a case last week of using a the filter to hide competitions "Entered" no results. Tried immediately again got one competition and did this a few times. Kept getting 1 competition. For a while thought was on a gold mine lol. Trying to think what could of really happened. The competitions that came up were not just posted in the previous minutes. I suspect I wasn't on page one or due to the high number of featured competitions pushed them to page 2 but only showing as 1 page. Thou from memory only said was 1 result each time. All up was four competitions which I had missed.

15 Jan 16 8:55 AM

@Lemond, yes it leaves me scratching my head... I've done the click around....I suspect rogue comp has expired now. :( Oh well, that one went through to the keeper....

15 Jan 16 9:44 AM


I don't think/unlikely competitions are being hidden from view for a particular member.
The only ways that could happen on your side:
* if you have got a filter set.
* Not on the first page when viewing results for a filter.
* If not running a filter, not on the first or first few pages when viewing new competitions, depending how many new competitions displayed.
*browser error , maybe javascript disabled

It's not impossible thou it depends on how they have implement things on the database. There could be decisions made to decrease workload on the server which may cause inconsistencies. Still highly unlikely as any issues most likely occur on mass not to a particular member.

If there is indeed competitions not being displayed do you have any examples? You would need a couple of members/accounts to verify. From looking at profiles the last few months I suspect it's more likely the example I've come across why competitions aren't added to the tally.

If referring to why are competitions are displayed as "viewed" but not registered as counting to the daily points. Then latter may be displayed "Enter" after toggling the "Saved" and "Not interested" options.

There is definitely an issue here. I saw that the first month I joined up, and this last week. I was down one competition. There were no competitions, not viewed. For the competition I toggled the options it was definitely displayed as "Viewed" and saw it refresh back to "Enter". Then once clicked the "Enter" button on my viewed tally went up one.

Which probably explains why some people miss a couple of competitions. I.e. Competitions displaying as "Viewed" but not counted.

Why this happens????
As it seems an intermittent problem the code behind the event listener for the "Enter" button seems to fail or not complete under certain circumstances. Could be a network issue on either end and/or some logic failing. I.e. Sets to "Viewed" but not compete and addition to the competitions viewed tally. Reclicking on a competition once set to "Viewed" doesn't seem to help. I.e. the code possibly doesn't check/query the database and assumes it's already counted.

There would be at least basic tables on the server listing member details, competitions details and one storing the relationship between Competitions and Members for competitions viewed. Most likely when you request competitions to be displayed it queries the Competitions and Competitions_Member_Viewed and merges then into a view to be displayed. Applying any filters requested.

Eg. Giving a list of all competitions and whether "Enter/Viewed/Expired" for that member
Future reference below will call this "Competitions_Member_Query"

Now as toggling the options seems to refresh the competition before it's expired, I assume there is probably in the database there is a field storing it's "Enter/Viewed/Expired" call it "Competition_Display" for reference, and another storing the "Viewed_Status" "0/1" for a member. I.e In a Competitions_Member_Viewed relationship table. There also already exists a query to update the "Enter/Viewed/Expired" if not "Expired" back to "Enter" if the "Viewed tally" is 0.

Quick solution instead of having to go through all competitions togging the "Saved/Not Interest" options. Which is a slow and painful process.

Add/Change a condition/logic to the Competitions_Member_Query to reflect the following pseudocode
If Competitions.Expired is true Competitions_Member_Viewed.Competition_Display = "Expired"
If Competitions_Member_Viewed.Viewed_Status" is 0
Competitions_Member_Viewed.Competition_Display" = "Enter"
Competitions_Member_Viewed.Competition_Display = "Viewed"
End if
End if

Seems currently test the Member_Competitions_Viewed.Competition_Display. I think most members would rather a competition show up as to "Enter" if it hasn't been updated to their competitions "Viewed" tally then display as "Viewed" thou it somehow hasn't been added to their tally. Hope that makes sense.

The "solution" wouldn't fix directly the competitions viewed tally but show up the competition to "Enter" once the member refreshes the browser etc. Then they can add as usual via then "Enter" button.

Some ideas, hopelessly this helps admin solve this issue.

15 Jan 16 1:50 PM

@toxicgherkin lol. Howzat! DRS shows there was an edge.

Yeh I was lucky wasn't expecting for mine to reshow. Thought give that old trick a try.

Damn can't seem to catch you again on the leader board. Every month so far you've been ahead. Except for the New Years hangover.

15 Jan 16 1:53 PM

Omg how confusing(with total respect)!! Lol

15 Jan 16 6:59 PM

@JoLee lol. Not as confusing the the Duckworth-Lewis method.

15 Jan 16 7:15 PM

@Lemond lol

15 Jan 16 8:55 PM

I'm hearing you!!!! lol

16 Jan 16 10:41 AM