
General Chatter

Hi! Has anyone had any luck with Lavazza competition? I keep on getting he is sleeping, watching tv, robot or anything but drinking coffee

25 Jan 16 2:15 PM

lol. Also reading the newspaper, doing a crossword, on the phone, snacking, getting dressed, deciding what shoes to wear and in the shower. :)

25 Jan 16 11:29 PM

Haven't seen him n the shower yet ... He sleeps & watches TV A LOT :-)

26 Jan 16 5:29 AM

Secretly I think he's a tea's all a ruse... lol

26 Jan 16 9:15 AM

He is currently listening to his playlist!

26 Jan 16 9:17 AM

He's been getting dressed for the last 2 hours

26 Jan 16 11:43 AM

@toxicgherkin starting t think that he only drinks water & protein shakes :-)

26 Jan 16 11:45 AM

@toxicgherkin Remember talking about low daily scores? I received my lowest today ... The lowest daily allocated :-)

26 Jan 16 1:16 PM

@Annaar, yes, quite a few single digits for me on a daily basis too...swings and roundabouts. Swings and roundabouts, dear Annaar. ;)

26 Jan 16 5:02 PM

@toxicgherkin I've had a few good days & now back to single digits. Wonder how they are worked out :-)

26 Jan 16 5:33 PM

@Annaar lol. Got a feeling February is going it be my month to finally get into the top 20. :) Doing the limbo with the daily scores this month.

26 Jan 16 10:31 PM

@Lemond would be nice to be in the top 20, but not such a big deal. I just want to win a bit now & again

26 Jan 16 10:57 PM

@Annaar Would love the extra guess for the weekly random number. Been very close this last few weeks. Been a very disappointing month on the daily points. Was hoping least beat @toxicgherkin. lol

Seems like the same members get in the top 20 every month. I reckon @toxicgherkin will sneak in on the last day. :)

Usually a few member's hide down the list then at the last moment check off any missing competitions and points. So you need a couple more good days to make sure of top 20.
Gee one member 959 daily points. Either they have missed a lot of competitions or are going to do a lot of clicking on competitions on the next few days.

26 Jan 16 11:27 PM

@Annaar Yeh next month can't come soon enough. Another below average day. Just hope I time my high points for the start of next month.

Time for a coffee break. :)

27 Jan 16 12:06 AM

@Lemond May be they haven't bee playing the guessing game

27 Jan 16 12:14 AM

@Lemond what was the last wining number? Yesterday was 1 & today 6 ... Not aiming to be in top 20.

Over the last 2 days haven't entered any comps, I just want a better year then last when it comes to wins.
Last year only won one thing ....

27 Jan 16 12:16 AM

@Annaar They have. :) I've noticed a over a few months some people wait till the last day to update any competitions missed or bonus points. Possibly don't realize haven't got all the bonus points. Will see over the next few days.

For the guessing game there seems to be a intermittent problem for some members. Looks like @MammaPigga84 eariler in the month had an issue again. :( Maybe she missed a day or two thou she had issues over the past few months.

If so it maybe a JavaScript problem they are having. I would recommend trying a different browser or clearing the browser cache to start with. Possible security settings interfering with JavaScript.

27 Jan 16 12:28 AM

What were the winning numbers ??? If I ever guess it, will buy a lottery ticket lol

27 Jan 16 12:39 AM

@Annaar You still got a chance of making it. A Week ago was 45 above average now 21 below for the month. :(

Well you got to enter to win. In it to win it. :) Been the same last few days. Time I did another competition binge and post some competitions up.

27 Jan 16 12:46 AM

@Annaar lol Well I was betting on certain numbers finally coming up. 67 was this weeks guessing game which were the two numbers I was betting on coming. And previous week was 768 did 767. So close. :(

27 Jan 16 1:14 AM

@Lemond you'll get there soon!!

I avoid competitions that ask me to share it with all my fb friends & tag people.

Just checked Lavazza & at almost 9 am he is asleep & almost midnight he was eating at 1 he was watching TV. For 2 hours straight yesterday he was putting on a shirt

Don't think I'll ever win that coffee machine :-)

27 Jan 16 8:54 AM

@Lemond lol.

27 Jan 16 9:16 AM

I'm officially out of the running for this comp ... someone on fb didn't like my name and until fb are happy with the proof I provided my account is locked ... highly annoying.. It's not like they can claim my name lol

Years ago in chatrooms almost everyday people messaged me telling me they wanted my handle... until we were able to register them on the server...

27 Jan 16 6:00 PM

@Annaar Weird. Hope it get fixed up soon. :)

27 Jan 16 7:53 PM

@Lemond thank you :-) They want bank statements, utility bills, cheques, drivers licenses, passports etc as proof of id .. not going to happen.

SO I forgot to block the number from the RSL club I'm a member of oops, guess will now let membership go after it expires... that's the only ID they've been sent.

Have been googling it and it's a common occurrence ... some people wait a month, some wait longer....

Emailed them a number of times but still no response....

annoying and infuriating ... almost 7 years on fb and now this. Will miss some people an their updates

27 Jan 16 8:03 PM

@Annaar You need to read up on Facebook policy's etc and use that to your advantage to resolve the issue. What's the official reason for your account being disabled? You think they would email/message first before any taking action.

This may help how to recover a temporary lock facebook account. Looks like need a government issued ID with photo.

Gee looks like may take from 2 -20 days to get it resolved. :(

28 Jan 16 3:43 AM

@Lemond Account is Locked not disabled.

They want the long list of id's I listed previously.

Someone I & many others had a difference of opinion with & guess her way of handling it is reporting people

Now I know why some people haven't been around for sometime

Sent my old RSL card through .. Will take a while to get fixed

28 Jan 16 8:32 AM

@Lemond they don't warn, just take action.. The messages are auto generated. Multi billion dollar company is so prehistoric LOL

IT will be worked out, I've not done anything wrong... Annoyed

28 Jan 16 8:37 AM

@Lemond having re read TOS I'll wait till account is reopened, find out how I can keep I touch with some people I only know on fb & deactivate

Should re read TOS every year ... Didn't realize that FB are tracking me via the Mobile app no matter where I'm

If the app is logged in, I'm tracked.

They obsolve themselves from all responsibility & they own all my content ... Guess will delete ALL photos as well :-)

28 Jan 16 9:40 AM

@Lemond I've not entered a competition in 7 days .. getting pretty dire

28 Jan 16 11:44 AM

@Annaar Sounds like a name issue that FB have been cracking down on lately. If you submit a form of ID X fingers it should be cleared up. The link and comments might be worth a read of similar situations.

28 Jan 16 3:10 PM

@Lemond did that yesterday, forgot to block out the rsl id number ... they aren't suppose to be cracking down but relaxing the laws...

They are suppose to be cracking down on people who report others ... plus they have over 70 million fake accounts to worry about.

Too many people are complaining, complaints are going back to 2009.. nothing has changed since then.

if you use fb on your phone your are tracked via gps. if you are logged on to fb but the tab is shut they are tracking your every move.

it gets better and better with them LOL

28 Jan 16 4:24 PM

@Annaar For tracking either disable GPS or use a Fake GPS app. Personally I don't use FB on my phone. Good luck for getting a quick resolution.

You can still enter plenty of competitions that only need email.

28 Jan 16 7:32 PM

@Lemond logged in phone app has GPS built in ... Not a good thing :-)

Will get it back sooner or later, it's annoying as I can only keep in touch with some people on it.

Not crazy about fb comps as they almost always want you to share & tag.

According to fb, new rules that are coming in will force people to explain why they don't like others names, tagging people as fake will not cut it any more.

They are trying to cut down on work, but having 1.6 billion accounts to look after is a lot of work :-

28 Jan 16 10:47 PM