

Congratulations @elbia and @fourleaf again. :) Unless @shuching makes a last minute push checking off competitions and bonus points. New month and new hopes for the rest.

31 Jan 16 8:20 PM

Bonus points? I'm still new LOL. I was hovering around 20 and now at 30 ... don't care so much as winning a comp this month would have been nice .... January result zero

31 Jan 16 8:51 PM

@Annaar See for the "bonus" points for profile etc. lol Yeh I had a shocker. I don't think there is anyone with a lower daily point score that log in every day. Most competitions viewed thou lol.

Looks like @jessiebutcher got robbed of a position somehow missing a guessing game a couple of days ago. Hmm the same three people top 3 spots again. What would be the odds of that? Think the last 3 months same names at the top. Makes me a touch suspicious about how random the daily points are.

Overall the daily points seem to be "above average" consistently. i.e. average is 25.5 (50+1)/2. Looks like about 40-50ish people log in daily the spread seems a bit high each month. Could be some logical reasons e.g. people getting low scores early give up and don't log in daily etc.

Assuming nothing breaching rules etc would be interesting to note what setup they have. PC or MAC and what browser they use. Will see how my first few days go I've hopefully "timed" each browser for a above average amount for its first login next month. Sounds a bit superstitious. Odds are thou next month should be better then this one. lol

31 Jan 16 9:32 PM

@Lemond Do you think that OS and browser mater? I thought that if I remove image I lose points and get them back when I upload a new one ...

Had few good days daily points and had some shockers 2 or 5 , Made an appearance more days then I can remember :-)

Didn't matter that much, sadly I've won zilch this month ... hopefully February will be better and hopefully I'll be back on facey... they are being stubborn and so am I LOL

They want to use my full name, and I tell them that no one knows it... rules have changed and if you have a good reason and I do, they should listen... finally a person started answering and I called him a bot LOL

Each day he sends a reply pointing me to settings, privacy and name and kills the case.. I keep on telling him that the case cannot be closed till this issue is resolved... so tiring dealing with people who don't know their own rules and changes.

Full name published and I can be easily found by my abusive ex. some people commented on threads that I don't exist since I cannot be found via google.. YUP very safe medium... The bot advised me to block those people... VERY helpful ... NOT

I'm too old to play games ...

31 Jan 16 10:10 PM

Given up on the leader board, there's no point hitting every link if you can't even make the top 20 in your birthday month ! Good luck all !

31 Jan 16 10:15 PM

Everyone must be updating, as I'm going backwards lol

31 Jan 16 10:39 PM

@Goldmember lol. No luck. Yeh I noticed you had a bad run. :( Good luck next month.

31 Jan 16 11:29 PM

@Annaar Gee the joys of social media. About the browser and OS possibly you would need proper statistical analysis of that data. They should be able to track which OS etc people are using.

31 Jan 16 11:34 PM

@Lemond Fb is an invasion of privacy ... Sadly fb is needed these days for networking

Numerous places know what IS, browser you are using, what versions etc

01 Feb 16 12:04 AM

Congrats to this month's winners! Pipped at the post! I was number 1 or 2 pretty much every day this month but ultimately missed out. @Goldmember - yep I agree as I had birthday points too and didn't win. Although numbers 1 and 2 also had a birthday this month, so maybe it helps to a certain degree in some months. But daily points makes the most difference - a gap of 140+ more daily points seems impossible to make up even with a birthday bonus. @Annaar - yes I also had a bad run of daily points towards the end - three 3's, one 1, others below 10 etc. The number 3 is my most frequent random daily number. @Lemond - I would love to see a statistical analysis. Wow, same three winners two months in a row. I'd love to have that luck :) Congrats again!

01 Feb 16 12:42 AM

Same! So far off.
Maybe time for a refreshing new idea.
Birthday month shouldn't count anyway, as immediately you are on the back foot 11 months of the year...

01 Feb 16 8:05 AM

I've noticed that some people have seen more competitions then I have. How is that possible ??

Fb used to show some content hours or days after it was published ... Some saw it immediately, others didn't

01 Feb 16 10:24 AM

@Annaar I've got 20 competitions listed for today so far. Check that your on page 1. Check no filters etc etc.

Probably what happened you logged in early as competitions were being posted. More competitions were posted after your early morning log in. Competitions seem to be post one at a time every few minutes when they are doing a batch. Sometimes at different times of the day. Usually early morning, evening and late evening/midnight.

Have you noticed the "random" daily points today and log in times of people. I noticed early this morning everyone had low daily points and thought very suspicious. Then after 8:30am all high scores. Now thinking back to last couple of weeks I think your log in times were roughly same as mine, same with bbjsr at least for the last week or so. I noticed all doing the "early" guessing game lol. No wonder we all got low scores at the same time. I'm questioning the integrity of the daily random points.

01 Feb 16 10:58 AM

I've been online after midnight & received 40 points, other days at same time 3

This morning only 10

At the end of the month have a look at the total comps vievwd by you & 3 top winners

01 Feb 16 11:27 AM

@Annaar Same it's not always low etc. What I'm saying people that log in in the same time period get similar scores looking at today as an example. Can you see any scores between 11 and 39 today? And if dig deeper those that got 1-10 logged in before 8:29 am and those after 40-50.

Can you recall the last few days. Think I got 13 yesterday. Probably logged in midnight to 6am. Weekend not sure what time. Just earlier in the week I recall you saying you got lows similar scores on the same days I was getting them.

Only the first time I'm directly noticed this. I have thought of mixing up times to see if makes a difference before.

Yeh I haven't missed many competitions. Usually I check @toxicgherkin and a couple others lol. Warning I may miss competitions on the weekend if exhausted from umpiring. Last weekend was a washout. :(

01 Feb 16 11:41 AM

Thanks @Lemond, :) I really don't know how I did it. It is honestly a mystery to me. I received 1 log in point yesterday but caught up on some competitions I hadn't viewed due to work. I do work odd hours from time to time so as far as logging in goes, it could be any time of the day. (I don't log in in the early morning or late at night).
It's going into my freezer slush fund. It was one of the reasons I joined comping and I haven't seen a comp for one yet! Lol..... Although with your talent for finding comps, I'm sure you could ;)
@bbjsr, yes happened to me a couple of times last year. Went to sleep on first and ended up fourth and seventh when I woke up so I didn't expect this to happen at all! Ah those twilight hours! Good comping everyone, there's lots of great prizes out there....

01 Feb 16 12:03 PM

@Lemond I couldn't sleep last night so checked the website and was given 10 points, I did log in around 3am

Will test your theory this week lol

On the 28th check the winners viewed comps scores and they would have viewed more comps then you

01 Feb 16 12:41 PM

@bbjsr, I noticed you were to, sorry you weren't in the top 3

01 Feb 16 1:00 PM

@fourleaf lol. Well a birthday and good daily points helps. Congrats

Probably the random log in times helped after looking at today's scores.

I wasn't too surprised thou the same three ended up towards the top of the leaderboard. Since September seems to be like a mixture of the same few towards the top of the leaderboard. Usually toxicgherkin in 4th lol.

Looking at last few months it seemed the averages are skewed a bit high to be truly random. I would expect if a random distribution a grouping either side of the average of 25.5 approx 790 daily points for 31 days and tapping off in both directions. I've noticed scores up to about 1000 but none less then 750 that logged in every day. It seems an average scores is about 28 each month.

Today definitely have noticed something not right with the random daily points distribution. Now thinking back with members that log in the same time as me and their scores recently.

I only suspected something wasn't quite right but with looking at randomness can be tricky to prove if looking at a small sample. There's definitely a very strong correlation "99.99%" today between "random" daily points and log in times. Way it looks for today anyone logging in from 8:30am will get 40-50 points and earlier got (1-10). Now if that is the case usually then that could have major issues.

01 Feb 16 1:02 PM

@Annaar lol. Well bit more then a theory for this morning. I wouldn't make a claim without checking facts first. Could be a once off if some changes where made that effected the daily random points system.

I actually was up early doing some reading on random generators in reply to your question regarding browsers and random generation. Basically computers have difficulty generating random numbers. They try and simulate pseudo random numbers using clever algorithms. As previous daily random points seemed touch suspicious thou within random variability, I thought what variables influence it's generation. Different browsers/versions use different methods. Without knowing exactly how generator is implemented it i.e. on the server or client browser side I was looking at the client side browser having an issue. Looks from today might be server side issue as all members had similar daily scores either (1-10) or (40-50) and dependent on time logged in. Too much of a coincidence!


Unlikely have many with more competitions viewed. lol

Depends how vigilant I'm checking off competitions. As I've noticed some irregularities with competitions "viewed" previously I do a rough check once in a while.

Strange I lot of people towards the top seemed to miss 1 competition last month at the same time. I wonder if it was the same competition. It appeared to happen at the time when I noticed one slip pass me and by luck found it toggling options. It was probably a delayed competition posted bit after doing a batch I missed, thou for me it already appeared "viewed". Hard to pinpoint what could be the reason.

01 Feb 16 11:47 PM

@Lemond may be top 20 got 40-50 and the rest got 1-10... don't know how the random generator works... depends on the coding

I had a look and top 5 viewed more competitions then I did ... I double checked and apparently I have viewed all, but top 5 viewed at least 20 more.

Could be that some are shown to some but not others ... just like fb hides some posts from some but not others ... I remember reading a post that was more then 24hrs old but on my thread it appeared for the first time... even when I searched for it, never came up until it did 24hrs later.

Nice to be at the top, but as long as I start winning comps I don't care :-) For now January II've won zilch and entered about 150 comps

NOT a good way to start a year LOL

01 Feb 16 11:57 PM

@Annaar Try first make sure on page 1 then filtering competitions to hide all entered. That should give you a count of competitions not viewed and display only those you can "Enter". :)

For being below what you expect the number of competitions displayed for the day/month. Possible something has gone wrong with added the points for a viewed competition. Try selecting on the saved/not interested options. This seems to refresh the competition back to "Enter" if it hasn't been added already. Note this is a slow process to find competitions not added. Sometimes I check my tally before I start clicking and note how many new competitions there are and compare afterwards. Usually forget.

Looks like you have viewed all 36 competitions put up yesterday. Refresh the browser competition page etc go back to page 1. Are you using a PC or mobile?

Another option try a different web browser. I find that handy for some competitions the a web page plays up due to javascript or security setting/ad block installed on my default web browser.

My issue could be using a mobile phone tethered via bluetooth to the pc. Also PC doesn't like when display too many competitions/web pages at once. Also tends to crash grrr. Thats if it doesn't once in a while drop connection. So might be a case of networking problem causes the issue.

Now for the "random" daily points it's probably done on the server side. Hmmmm I cant find anything nice to say about it despite getting 50 points this morning. Looks like It needs fixing.

Wouldn't find getting to the Top 20 just to test getting the extra daily guess. lol

Be great to win some competitions. Most random draws you are looking at odds about 1 in 2000. lol X fingers. I think you will find the compers that win regularly have a knack for doing WOL competitions which lot of people avoid for being too hard. Best to find those type of competitions which have lots of prizes and WOL to regularly win.

I have to get in the mood to do those and haven't done any for a couple of months. Think keep it simple works the best from looking at winning examples.

02 Feb 16 5:02 AM

@Lemond Thanks :-) Done all that. View comps on both desktop and mobile ... if you are using IE, change to Firefox, Chrome and Opera (still have to try it)

Check the number of comps viewed towards the end of the month, there will be a difference :-)

02 Feb 16 11:10 AM

@Annaar Well possible with so many competitions listed or relisted it can be easy to miss a couple. One question what time did you log in this morning? Just seeing if it follows like yesterdays pattern at all. lol

02 Feb 16 11:23 AM

@Lemond I think around 9 when I woke up ... had a late night and since I didn't sleep well the night before, the old body needed to recover LOL.

What time did you log in?

02 Feb 16 12:23 PM

@Annaar About 3am lol. Was doing some reading. Just wondering if logged in a similar time as similar scores. Daily "random" scores seem back to more usual. Hmmm interesting around 9am your daily score fits in with other scores around that time. Hints something I was looking at. Limited sample looking at compared to yesterday.
Bit harder after the first day to clearly identify any abnormalities. More complex with varying log in times and knowing previous score. Think 1st of next month be easier to spot again.

02 Feb 16 4:09 PM

@Lemond I don't like being awake at 3am LOL

02 Feb 16 4:13 PM

@bj74 Thanks! Yes I noticed you were up there all month and only just missed out too. Best of luck for this month :)

02 Feb 16 9:48 PM

Just logged in & today I received 15 points, don't think the time matters :-) @Lemond

03 Feb 16 8:33 AM

@Annaar A specific score/restricted range unlikely be linked to a specific time every day. That would of been detected long ago. Especially if the time period was a long as it was.

Plus if looking at time you got seconds/milliseconds to consider etc. Not impossible hard to detect and duplicate.

Got me thinking ...
Might work as a simple random number generator substitute by using the server time say last two digits of milliseconds when logged in and divide by 2 to make out of 50 and rounding up. :) if hasn't being done before and works patent pending.. Better then what ever happened Monday.
I wonder what the pitfalls might be using that method. Maybe if somehow could automate a login at a specific time, unlikely. With human interaction response times, network speeds lot of random variables be hard to replicate.

It's not what I was looking at. I was using a specific time as a base for comparing other daily scores generated in chronological order.
Apart from Mondays restricted range of values for a given/random time period there it also hinted to have order. So even if the restricted range of values for a time period was removed it possibly wasn't still randomly generated.

After Monday definitely something was/is not right. Maybe last night that issue was addressed.

03 Feb 16 8:52 PM

@Lemond there must be an algorithm that works it out .... odd times, even times might have be brought into the equation... then there are 15 minute increments ...

03 Feb 16 9:18 PM

@Annaar Just looking what I saw monday. Looked like a loop of numbers (40-50) or (50-40) possible in log in order. I don't think I see that last couple of days. Too hard to spot anyway as only see a small sample. Anyway till next month might have a quick look. X fingers don't see any issue. :)

03 Feb 16 10:09 PM

Have a look at 10 day increments, definitely look on the 29th

03 Feb 16 10:26 PM