
General Chatter

With @toxicgherkin's upcoming shot at fame I was wondering if anyone else wanted to share their past 'fifteen seconds of fame' moments....

Best I can do is the kids and I were extras on 'Cliffy' where the shot focussed on us for a moment.
I did organise for my brothers to be killed by vampires in another local shoot as well.

16 Feb 16 7:39 AM

@Di_D, that's cool! I've always wanted to try out for extras casting (or flash mob...hmmm?)

16 Feb 16 8:50 AM

@toxicgherkin you mean like this?

16 Feb 16 9:47 AM

@Annaar, hehe.

And now for a sad case.....

16 Feb 16 12:38 PM

Nah! The best I can do is my great great..( not sure how many)...grandfather was knighted by Queen Victoria for his work in helping to invent the Telegraph. Interesting enough there is so many articles on him in old national archives and newspapers and his own library named after him at Cambridge University but his name is no-where to be found whatsoever on the net! Looks like the Web is missing a few things when it was invented afterall!
(PS I have his nose!)

As for flash mobs, I kinda like this one in Sydney... (Maybe I should replay this one again on St Patrick's Day!)

16 Feb 16 5:28 PM

@fourleaf if you are in Sydney, St Paddy's day was cancelled

16 Feb 16 6:03 PM