
General Chatter

I just wanted to ask has anyone ever won anything from any comps ?

16 Feb 16 12:50 PM

I've won movie tix

16 Feb 16 1:30 PM

Yep, in the last two weeks I've won double gold class tix, Hoyts tix, an Australian Open Blackmores pack, Jurlique body mist, my friend and I both won an awesome organic Valentine's day hamper (ain't she amazing for picking me lol) a Fitbit flex and the big one a 65inch 4K TV. Honestly i was sceptical at first but you can win, trust me!!

16 Feb 16 5:16 PM

Hi there@victoriacross, yes people do win things. Have a scroll down and you'll see lots of winning announcements. Sometimes it can take a little time, just be persistant (or stubborn?)... :)

16 Feb 16 5:32 PM

Hi, vc. I've been lucky enough to score well by entering comps and promos on this website. We're a friendly bunch too! I'm hopeful we'll soon be reading about your first win from one of your many entries. Cheers!

17 Feb 16 9:52 AM

@toxicgherkin Have you ever had any luck with fb comps? I'm finally back and I know that my friends will unfollow me if I tag them hehe

17 Feb 16 11:06 AM

I won a trip to New York to meet Beyonce(for two) dec 2013. in a pepsi comp for 9 days worth 50 grand and had just started also on this site prior to that. ive won atleast 35 comps here so thumbs up to that. Dont evergive up. gotta be in it to win it. been a while for me now but hey atleast someone else is having their turn. Good luck friend!!!! trevsta

17 Feb 16 1:03 PM

@Annaar FB comps are the ones I personally seem to be more successful at. I have 2-3 friends who also enjoying comping so they are the ones I tag, I don't tag anyone that hasn't shown an interest. Most of the big companies that I have won from on FB have been 25 words or less not so much tagging (Ive won from good guys FB, appliances online, etc) It's more your smaller companies that seem to want the tags, at least that my experience.

17 Feb 16 2:41 PM

@Alittlebitoffun Thank you! I've tried a few but with over a 1000 people entering every time the chances of winning a slim. Noticed as well that some enter every single competition no matter if they even want the item, it's all about winning as much as they can.

So far only a movie ticket this year, the best part was that the 'star' of the movie dropped in at the end for a brief chat.

As I'm out of work hoping to win a few DVDs, restaurant vouchers, outing etc... since it's not at the top of the must spend on list :-)

Most appliances are old as well, winning would be great, as they cost a bit & it cuts into the petty cash account ... lol

17 Feb 16 3:01 PM

You can not limit yourself to just entering things you need, the saying goes enter as many as you can to increase your chances.
I have two small kids so I enter a lot of comps for kids stuff, and of course I enter for luxury items and things I'd like but probably not buy myself. I don't ever enter for things for the pure sake of selling items. I do get things to put aside for presents for family and friends. I don't think it's good to enter just to sell them. Keep at it and keep positive and you will see the prizes come in I hope.

17 Feb 16 8:24 PM

@Alittlebitoffun .Awesome attitude mate. Good Khama for you!!

17 Feb 16 8:56 PM

@Alittlebitoffun Thank you!! I'm keeping a tally this year, so far one movie ticket... Would have loved some things for gifts, & few luxury things for myself

Used to spend a small fortune on books for gifts.. then moved on to chocolates. Last Christmas everyone got home grown plants and to my surprise everyone was happy... expected a lot of upset people.

Hope you get to win plenty of things for kiddies, as they cost a fortune.... a friend was expecting and I tried to win few things for her, sadly I've won nothing....

17 Feb 16 9:38 PM