
General Chatter

I have got enough rewards to get a $30 paypal but I do Not have a paypal account and dont want one, I have tried sending Competitions an email but so far have had no reply, is there another way I can get this reward?

17 Feb 16 10:26 AM

good luck with that. i too hate paypal cause twice i had my acc hakt and i know admin would have got your email. Hope it works out for you @shaper

17 Feb 16 12:54 PM

@Trevsta Thanks I too had my account hacked so I stopped using them and closed my account and ill not go back to them again. But so far no answer from admin??? I am not doing any more surveys unless they answer me...whats the point?

17 Feb 16 2:44 PM

I have also noticed they didn't answer toxics requests earlier,it's pretty lame really. What's the whole point of it if they don't answer,don't want to sound like a winger but even a reply would be at the least warranted. I am saddened by this for you shaper! Toxic,did you get any personal reply? I suspect not! Keep us posted shaper,good luck!!

17 Feb 16 6:58 PM

@JoLee, no reply received. :(

17 Feb 16 11:53 PM


18 Feb 16 6:21 AM

Thanks guys but still no replies....well lesson learn' more surveys for them from me..
even a " sorry we only use paypal" would do..

18 Feb 16 10:28 AM

Yea!! I got a reply this morning and they are going to pay direct into my bank account...
perseverance pays off it seems. Thanks

18 Feb 16 12:01 PM

Thats awesome . Faith restored. comp oz. we love you:)

18 Feb 16 12:40 PM

@shaper, the first time I won directly from this site, @admin @zedmin requested my banking details. All good. The second (and most current) win, a while back now, they requested my PayPal account details, after which I paid their transaction fee...hmm...less value for the promoted win! I'm glad the website @admin @zedmin (and whomever is the virtual assistant in the Phillipines...) had capitulated, and agreed to pay your winnings by direct deposit. I don't think this will be true for the other monthly and sessional winners. Some food for thought, for what's it worth....

19 Feb 16 10:39 PM