
General Chatter

Does any one keep a list of things you've won? And does anyone want to share some of their favourite or most recent wins for inspiration lol :)

22 Feb 16 5:46 PM

I keep a list of every comp I've entered starting with Jan 2015. So far I've only won movie tix both years... (one movie last year. One this year)

22 Feb 16 6:17 PM

I keep a list. It serves as incentive when I'm having a slow patch and to show people when they ask "Are those things legit?". Favourite wins are things I can share with the family - movie passes, event tickets, entries to attractions. Most recent wins are gift cards and skincare.

22 Feb 16 9:29 PM

I won a trip to New York to meet Beyonce worth $50.000. It was a pepsi comp in dec 2013 just after i joined this site! I have won like over 100 prizes from half here elswhere once i got the bug. I won shannon noll tix yesterday but its been a while between drinks but thats how it is. You just simply never know so keep at it......u have to be in it to win it.Good luck. I know toxic gherkin my ol mate is a winner and his wit is his ace card. !! Trevsta

22 Feb 16 9:48 PM

@Trevsta, kind of you to say, mate.

@Sellwood92, though I've been 'comping' for around four years now, I've had my fair share of wins, for which I am thankful. Like jrob71, I do like to spread the love around family and friends. Recently I won two laptops (awaiting receipt of #2), the second of which comes with a customised suit - with fabric selections today! That one will be my biggest win to date. I started to keep lists but it was all too overwhelming. I enter close/draw dates as calendar entries on my smartphone - very useful for those entries placed via social media where you may be published as a winner but not tagged and not notified (even though most have your email detail too!). I have 'found' some wins, by chance, and been notified of others by peeps here on this site. Eager to hear of your wins, @Sellwood92!

23 Feb 16 8:27 AM

I take a photo of each prize I win and then I have a folder on the puter filled with wonderful prizes each year, nice to look back on what I've won. I love winning prizes that I can give to family and friends as it's usually something unique or much more expensive than I can ever afford. I really enjoy comping and I only enter comps that I really want to win or if it's a prize I really want to win for family. I've won hampers, tons of skin products, plenty of giftcards, some holiday vouchers for $500 which I gave to my parents as I am disabled and can't travel and wanted them to be able to get some wonderful accommodation when they travelled around Australia. The biggest prize I won was this Christmas just gone which was the "Ultimate Christmas" prize which was a $500 wish giftcard, $500 online shopping voucher for personalised xmas gifts with the Christmas Cart and a 6ft xmas tree and 2 books and 2 cds which was supposed to be another $500. I would love to win a big ticket item that I read so many people have won like a car or fridge but I am so grateful for all my wins, big or small, that whenever I see someone from here win I also get so excited. Good Luck to ev1 and Happy Happy Comping xxxxxx

28 Feb 16 12:39 AM

@bops18 you have the most impressive attitude hey!! That inspires me :) Good luck mate :)

28 Feb 16 4:48 PM

@Trevsta how you feeling?

28 Feb 16 6:03 PM

@Annaar wish i could say really good but its a long slow process. I am in my third week of radiotherapy(7 weeks..5 days p/w) 10 down& 25 more sessions
Had one chemotherapy 2 weeks ago((smashed me) & 2 more to go(3 weeks apart).so i guess it will get worse b4 it gets better. I am however responding to the treatment, which is better than winning any comp lol. I am positive and in my heart, i know ive won!!!! Allgood my comping friend. Good luck to you Annar!!!! Regards trevsta

28 Feb 16 10:09 PM

Your a winner Trev,hang in there!!!!!

28 Feb 16 10:16 PM

@Trevsta you are already winning ! Stay strong, will be over soon & start entering holiday comps... Will be a great reward:-)

28 Feb 16 11:24 PM

:) thankyou all..... :)

29 Feb 16 5:05 AM

@Trevsta You're a winner in a big way and am sending you much luck, health and of course many competition wins. I am so glad that you are responding to treatment and wish you a super speedy treatment so that you overcome your health issues as soon as possible - nothing better than sticking it to the Demon Disease.

29 Feb 16 10:18 AM

I've only used this site once before & I got an email the other day to say I'd won a $40 salad dressing pack hehe That made me realise that you have to be in it to win it. In the last 5 days I've entered 70+ comps. BUT in saying that I have entered random things over the last few years. I've won 3 nights accommodation, a kitchen pack, DVDs & some footy tickets. I am now addicted & I WILL WIN LOTS MORE!!!! Hoping for a few holidays as we are a travel obsessed couple :)

29 Feb 16 7:51 PM

@CeCee14 Winners are grinners !! Congratulations!!

29 Feb 16 9:02 PM

@bops18 thankyou soooooo much. You also Have an awesome attitude. You deserve much luck. Cheers...regards Trevsta

29 Feb 16 9:11 PM

Awesome thank you so much everyone for sharing! I was entering a few comps here and there, but in the middle of last year I had to undergo an operation and haven't been able to work since (although I am happily starting a new job tomorrow YAY) so I had loads of time to enter competitions and I pretty much used all my winnings on Christmas and birth day gifts which was fantastic as I couldn't afford to buy anything.
I try and write down my wins in a book, it makes me feel good looking back and having achieved something positive :)
My most expensive win so far has been a stroller/pram and my favourite things to win are books because I love to read and I also share the books around with my family and friends too.
I am sending all my positive vibes out into the universe as I would LOVE to win a holiday this year. You guys are all fantastic and I'm glad to have found such a friendly page. Good luck to all and I hope 2016 is a dream year for all :)

01 Mar 16 8:23 AM

@sellwood92. I've also been unwell & I'm always home so like you I've been going comp crazy over the last week. I even bought Take 5 & That's Life Magazines. Surprisingly I really enjoyed the puzzles & even my Hubby got into it haha

I've already decided that I'm going to win a big holiday, cash & vouches :)

Good luck everyone!

01 Mar 16 12:30 PM

How sad it is to read the thread where all I see is ME ME ME... seasoned compers wish everyone to win, new compers just want it ALL..

You cannot have it ALL ...

01 Mar 16 12:40 PM

@Sellwood92 Much good luck to you :)

01 Mar 16 5:29 PM