
Tips & Tricks

Do you mind me asking if your comping a lot do you have another phone set up? Because obviously if i put my mobile number im going to get 10000000 calls from salespeople (i already get plenty of those). But a lot of comps say they call the winner - so potentially you could miss out of you dont at the least have another phone number diverted to voicemail?

23 Feb 16 11:57 PM

Not sure if I have just been lucky, but I use my normal mobile phone number and only get a couple of calls here and there - mostly from companies I contacted to enquire about them rather than from competitions

24 Feb 16 7:38 AM

Generally the cold calls are few and far between. I quote my mobile phone number and it really hasn't impacted me at all. You can always block them (at least after initial / attempted contact). You'll probably find you're ok, @kateonlineconnect. If providing your phone number is optional, you can always enter with the mandatory personal information 'required' of you, and no more that that. Best of luck.

24 Feb 16 11:54 AM

Ones that I think will cold call I use my home ph number as I don't answer that unless they start to leave a message.
Mobile I always let it go to voicemail , they'll leave a message if it's a win😉

25 Feb 16 7:10 PM

I use my own. Pretty good mostly. Odd marketing call here and there. I politely say no. If they petsist i just block them lol

25 Feb 16 10:48 PM

I downloaded the free app "should I answer" if its a known spam caller it blocks the call going through , I still get notified they tried to ring & I can google the number & call back if I like .

27 Feb 16 2:23 PM

Thank you for your answers. Ive used my home phone which I never answer. Ill just have to set up the voicemail on it in case i do win something.

27 Feb 16 4:17 PM

@crankymum that golden advice right there, doing that straight away,cheers!!!

27 Feb 16 10:28 PM

If you have an iPhone you can Block the number. Normally they call from the same number as it's an Australia but they are actually calling from overseas. If they call more than once on the same number then I block the number!

01 Mar 16 12:08 PM