
General Chatter

has anyone been getting calls flatout after hours? and when you call back the number doesnt work or goes voicemail? so annoying think their cold calls or scams

26 Feb 16 9:38 PM

I did but it was a telco

Told them I only use fone for everything ... The girl wa trying to convince me to sign up with them for net . Told her don't need it, she became a tad forcefull. Told her I'll call when I have money

Then she wanted to know if I'm blowing out my allowance...

Offshore call centres have no idea about customer service

26 Feb 16 10:26 PM

dont know what happened. think its stuff from here , they are always after hours, i have message bank and they dont leave message i block number

27 Feb 16 11:53 PM

Calls were after 8pm Sydney time & they never left a message... One day I decide to answer @MammaPigga84

28 Feb 16 9:24 AM

@Annaar I call back private no, and it either goes to voice mail or number cant be reached. then i block them on the iphone. if its calls after business hours usually sales calls or scams

28 Feb 16 10:58 PM

No point blocking private numbers as you aren't really blocking the number... If it's a scam then they use hundreds of numbers that get disconnected as they move on.... I've blocked a few people who obtained my number by asking others when I said I'll not give it to them ... People who disclosed it got blocked as well :-)

The trust is gone ...


28 Feb 16 11:28 PM

you cant block private numbers! its other number

29 Feb 16 8:55 AM

@MammaPigga84 If it is on your mobile you can get an app from the playstore called True Caller ... it blocks unwanted spam calls and also will show who is calling and if it is a constant number that keeps calling you can choose to personally block that number. I hope this helps. It has been a Godsend for me. May you have peace!!!

29 Feb 16 8:48 PM

@WildAngel777 awesome ill check it out

01 Mar 16 8:02 PM

I received a txt msg from HK in the middle of the night with some offers of business dealings.. blocked them asap

01 Mar 16 9:43 PM

@Annaar I have had werid numbers call me all sorts of time in morning i just block them spamers

02 Mar 16 10:35 PM

@MammaPigga84 Any details for what competitions/promoters you suspect result in these type of calls?

02 Mar 16 11:38 PM

@Lemond Welcome back!!

03 Mar 16 2:54 PM

@MammaPigga84 So have I!! The one from HK was blocked

03 Mar 16 2:54 PM

@Lemond Just logged in (at almost 3pm and my daily score is 2) lol

03 Mar 16 2:55 PM

@Annaar lol. Well 50 daily points today and logged in about 11:30pm left it a bit late. Thanks, I'm a recovering comperacholic. I took a few weeks siesta from doing competitions. Argh gained 3000+ over the last three weeks and hit the 10,000 emails to be sorted and cleaned up. I hope there wasn't any competitions wins I missed. lol

I've been busy with cricket umpiring and have got semi finals this week and looks to be a hot long weekend ahead.

@MammaPigga84 I would suggest get a separate email for entering competitions as the main priority.

03 Mar 16 11:41 PM

Don't think the time matters. Logged in after 3pm &received 2 points ... Still awake at 1am & received 40 ...@Lemond

Between all the comp emails & job rejection spam emails I am still awake ...

04 Mar 16 1:31 AM

its all good i check email daily . and im usubscribing to alot of things too

05 Mar 16 8:28 PM