
General Chatter

Dont do readers digest competition. you will get hassled from other marketing companies trying to sell you things, or they say you enter a competition and ask you all these questions. and they keep calling you for all numbers

10 Mar 16 11:38 PM

Good call @Mama. I learnt this ages ago.Harrassed big time . Good luck My friend!!!

11 Mar 16 6:05 AM

Yep. I also avoid Readers Digest comps to avoid the harrassment

11 Mar 16 7:17 AM

I didn't receive calls but got bombarded with mail. The amount of paper they must waste is unbelievable.

11 Mar 16 11:45 AM

i noticed since i entered a comp , my mobile has been called so many times from overseas numbers , making out like they from like sydney or qld , because as soon as you call number back it doesnt ring , so its obviously from a computer. so annoying had to bannned every call , but they call from other similar numbers.

11 Mar 16 12:23 PM