
General Chatter

The single digits cold struck me this week ... for the last 3 days I've only seen everything under 9 ... LOL

12 Mar 16 12:20 PM

:( Damn first daily points below 30 for the 2nd week. Still just scrapes in for double digits. lol

12 Mar 16 10:40 PM

@Lemond How do you know when comps don't have many entries?

13 Mar 16 9:55 AM

All this week I have only had numbers between 1 and 5 !

13 Mar 16 10:57 AM

@Winner1 Hopefully this week will be better for both of us :-)

13 Mar 16 11:52 AM

@Annaar For that particular competition according to it's instructions it stated that you had to like their page and share the competition post on Facebook and answer/complete the entry form on their webpage. I couldn't see many people that had shared the competition post on Facebook. That's assuming that is enforced according to the instructions provided.

I.e. I could only see less then 10 people had shared the competition post it was about 5 at the time for 5 DVD's to be given away for the competitions. I couldn't see how many entries but valid ones I could get a rough total. :)

X fingers guess find out in the next week. :)

13 Mar 16 9:43 PM

Ta & good luck !@Lemond

13 Mar 16 10:13 PM

Yes finally today I got 35 points@Annaar

14 Mar 16 9:48 AM

@Winner1 YAY! I got 45 yesterday and back to 17 today ... might be one of those months lol... as long as I'll win something :-)

14 Mar 16 12:01 PM

@Annaar Hopefully not to curse myself ,I had the best week / 8 days since joining last September. Lowest for the week was a 10 , couple low 30's and rest high 40's to 50. All up gained just over 100 on the average for 8 days. Long way to go still, I've got a good chance for Top 20 for the first time. :)

14 Mar 16 2:04 PM

@Lemond Since joining my lowest was a 1 and highest 50.. last week for 3 days I had 6,7 & 9... don't care as long as I start winning comps. :-)

14 Mar 16 4:10 PM