
General Chatter

Since I stated comping a year ago I have experienced a few negative experiences. I have been accused of cheating, I've had my answers copied, been accused of having numerous profiles,I have been accused of using a photo of another persons kid (which I would never do, my kids are cute enough to win lol), I have encountered a few nasty messages from unknown people, I have recently discovered that voting competitions are impossible to win as people can pay for likes, I have had prizes go missing, I have been promised a very expensive prize that I will NEVER seen, but there is still one thing that gets me, and that's people who enter with the sole purpose to sell the prize. I recently received a consolation prize from a promoter (very grateful indeed) who liked my comment but not enough to award me the win. My issue isn't that I didn't win, it is that the competition was for a kids pack that you can not buy in shops, for a TV show my 4 year old is mad about, and that winner has no kids, and entered purely to add their 'for sale' account. Whilst I am not entirely against selling prizes (I just sold a $600 braclet I won because it didn't fit and couldn't be adjusted), I just think that entering those sorts of competitions is taking a prize away from a kid that would have truly appreciated it (not just mine, but all the other people who entered for their kids/nephews/ nieces etc) so that the person can make $30. I do this as a hobby, on my 1 hour each way commute to and from work, I do not enter competitions that I have no interest in the prize. Sometimes you win things you don't need/want & it's not always intentional (I won a second place prize once that I had no use for and none of family wanted it), but to enter just to sell, especially baby items / toys etc just bothers me. I honesty never thought I would encounter such negativity in something I though might be a fun hobby. I guess some people just take it very seriously, and even count it as income and as such are cutthroat.
Just thinking a beak might be in order :)

15 Mar 16 8:41 PM

Or win a holida! Just leave the kids at home lol :)

16 Mar 16 12:01 AM

I must admit that, just at the moment, I am entering more competitions for a wider range of goods than normal. And, yes, in a way it is to sell these extras. But not for me. And only for a limited time. The extras are going into an auction to raise funds to rebuild Friendship House where our Myrtleford Scout Group meets. It is going to take a lot of funds.
But once the fundraising is over I'll go back to being selective about what I enter.

16 Mar 16 7:27 AM

Does it really matter what other people think? I think not. If they aren't happy for you, they aren't your friends. Life is too short to worry about what other people think of you. Live you own life how you want to.

16 Mar 16 9:07 AM

Honestly I enter everything & anything. If I don't need or want the item I will give it to family or friends. There is always someone who wants something for free. If not I will give sell it. I haven't won much at all so I am hoping that will change soon.

16 Mar 16 12:31 PM

Honestly I enter everything & anything. If I don't need or want the item I will give it to family or friends. There is always someone who wants something for free. If not I will give sell it. I haven't won much at all so I am hoping that will change soon.

16 Mar 16 12:31 PM

If people can win big & can sell since they need money to pay the bills then I cannot see it as a problem... raising money for charity that helps poor, sick .. not a problem. But winning for sport and selling then the rest of us cannot win & use the product.

16 Mar 16 4:14 PM

@Di_D guess since you always win, I better stay away from big items that I cannot afford to buy & need for at least 5 years ....

16 Mar 16 4:15 PM

@Di_D that's an amazing thing you are doing!! Well done and I wish you all the best with the fundraising!! Great job and I hope you win some awesome stuff!!

16 Mar 16 5:11 PM

@Annaar I agree if people are struggling and win big ticket items to sell to get them through that's awesome but people who go out of their way fight to win a candle or Thomas the tank toy or baby clothes just to see their name flash up then make a few $$ I don't get it and never will. I enter for family, friends, my kids & myself, and yes it's awesome to win, but I don't get why people enter to win and sell a $5-$10 candle - too much effort for me lol

16 Mar 16 5:16 PM

@CeCee14 fingers crossed for you

16 Mar 16 5:16 PM

@Lemond that sounds like an amazing idea lol I stay away from holiday competitions, most of them have specific flight dates which is hard to coordinate with work and most are for 2 and have 2 kids under school age so wouldn't want to leave them behind - will let someone who can go and enjoy themselves have it & spend my time trying to win a toy pack for my kids or a bottle of wine (or 6) for when they go to bed lol
Hope your wins have picked up :)

16 Mar 16 5:19 PM

Oh I'm terrible at selling.. I enter to win for me as I've been out of work & not able to purchase some items ... For now I win few movie tix & great full for them @Alittlebitoffun

16 Mar 16 8:14 PM

@Annaar I'm sorry to hear that, that's not good at all!! I hope your luck picks up!! Fingers crossed for a few big wins coming your way!!

16 Mar 16 11:09 PM

@Annaar - How I wish I always win! Bit of a dry spell at the moment. Keep entering. I love it when people on here win things.

17 Mar 16 7:18 AM

@Di_D Thank you! I don't win big (home appliances), have won a few movie tix and grateful for those. :-)

17 Mar 16 8:22 AM

@Alittlebitoffun thank you :-) Wakeup hopeful every day LOL ... ignore the greedy and keep on entering.

Overheard a woman on the bus yesterday complaining that for months she won at least 3 comps a week, and for the last two weeks nothing... she was feeling rejected and hoping that her winnings return soon....

17 Mar 16 8:25 AM

@Alittlebitoffun - I also stay away from holiday prizes for the same reason - most are for two or one and we have a family of four and one of those would be classified as an adult so a lot of the family prizes we wouldn't be able to use either. I also avoid prizes that would cost too much to redeem - like tickets to a great show in Melbourne but would involve getting there and staying overnight at our own cost.

18 Mar 16 7:21 AM

I don't go near holiday comps.. Need a job & wouldn't be able to go on holidays for at least a year...

So far have missed out on tix to shows. They are usually very expensive & not in the budget :-)

Some of my neighbors want to renovate & that involves the whole building... No one has the money, but very few.. If they force it through, living expenses will go up. Minority has the voice & they are convincing people to get things done based on a lie.

18 Mar 16 9:44 AM