
I've Won


Hi everyone just stopped by for a Super Special CELEBRITY Comper Visit!
( Yes, my Fans have made me quite the talk of the Comping Scene ).

Well, apparently some people on here thought my INCREDIBLE MARATHON WINNING STREAK had stopped.
So I'm just here to let you know, it never has. To this day I've never had a Prize Drought. What LUCK!

I've been Winning constantly & enjoying all my Prizes along with family & friends too. Especially show tickets, which you can Win & Gift to friends all over the country. I've even chosen to sell some, which means some LUCKY person gets a BARGAIN!

CELEBRATING over 400 Wins in 18 months of Comping!
I even Won a Cruise!

Must dash, there's another entry form to fill out somewhere . . .

So why don't you get to it? You never know how Lucky YOU can be!

Hope all the FUN people on here Win BIG soon!

Best Wishes Inwithachance!


30 Mar 16 3:55 PM

Good for you ! I was going to write something but Ms Lobster said exactly what needed saying!

30 Mar 16 10:03 PM

Great to hear your winning streak is still going strong! I always loved to check the forum and see what your latest wins were. Agree with lobster, keep comping and winning and a big congrats from me!!

31 Mar 16 9:26 AM

Great to see you back

31 Mar 16 9:53 AM

Send your awesome winning streak my way

01 Apr 16 9:16 AM

We missed you. :) I was wondering a couple of months ago we had lost you overboard. One of the midnight crew doing the guessing game. :)

I totally agree about someone getting a bargain if you decide to sell. A win win. :)

Any funny stories or hints from winning? Especially from skill based competitions.

I don't see any of those negative vibes about every keeps bring up. Security must of stopping them at the gate.

Big congratulations @Inwithachance

03 Apr 16 2:10 AM

@jennifer.lobster Thanks it gives some understanding of the source of those "vibes". I find this forum to the contrary where it's quite friendly and helpful. I can understand why those feelings may exist, however they are not constructive. If anyone feeling that way should find a way to turn it around to motive or more positive feelings/behavior. Sounds like the competitive spirit has got out of control in that forum and forgotten about enjoying themselves in the process.

I can relate that when umpiring cricket. It's great to see teams/players really enjoying themselves despite not winning or decisions made. Yeh, it occasionally happens that they really enjoy themselves. lol

I also have to deal with code of behavior in a competitive situation. There are clear rules in cricket where the captains are responsible for the conduct of the game and their players under the spirit of cricket. Also under the association rules their are immediate penalties/deterrents with green/yellow/red cards which isn't the norm. Generally they're regard as use with restraint, however it's a fine line the degree of flexibility, and can be taken advantage of. From experience like having a preemptive friendly reminder before each match with the captains and their responsibilities regarding COB and what is expected. ie. for them to be proactive to rectify an issue. Why I enjoy umpiring cricket where COB and the conduct of the game is ultimately the captains responsibility and not the umpires. Dealing with the rare occasion when captains are the issue well... see penalties/deterrents. Yellow card and above ie. COB issues result in a tribunal visit.

There was major incident this year which unknown persons dug up a whole pitch then poured oil all over the pitch. This denied a team making it to the finals. An example of the extremes of behavior that can occur and how the spirit of competition can be forgotten. As a result, rules have been changed to hopefully eliminate this type of incident. There also criminal consequences. A sad day for competition in general.

Regarding anti sociable behavior it should never be tolerated or encouraged. Hopefully those individuals can see how inappropriate it is . It also may open themselves up to legal consequences for their actions. I find it reflects more on yourself then the person mentioned/targeted.

It doesn't sound like a friendly group to aspire to join. Mainly being a closed group raises the eyebrows and not the alleged behavior of some individuals. Ultimately sounds like no clear rules/guidelines for that forum regarding the COB and promoting a friendly and competitive environment.

In a previous discussion regarding is it appropriate enter a competition with the intention to sell the item etc which touched on those negative vibes.

@inwithachance made a great point about selling some wins. Where ultimately someone wins getting a bargain. So win win.

I don't think its appropriate to judge what someone may or not do with competitions wins or if entering appropriated suited competitions. Those tensions usually seem to revolve around when dragging children/ "kid" prizes into the equation. Understandably a highly emotive subject. Yes it nice or gives the warm fuzzy felling when someone who you feel deserves/needs that win.

In the end it's all about the promoter and getting their brand/product exposed to their intended market and appreciate they have provided a chance to win.

Great that can discuss those negative "vibes" / topics without getting personal. Comping can test the patience evoke negative feelings of frustration. Argh it's all just like playing/umpiring cricket without the sunburn. lol

Good Luck to all. Spread more of the good karma about. :)

03 Apr 16 10:14 PM

while people spend time watching what you do , you win , no wonder they wonder why they win nothing

@jennifer.lobster A worrying sign an admin of a forum would resort to that. They should know better. Hopefully they have had a good think about their behavior and actions.

Apart from the possible legal consequences they open themselves up to, personally I can't see why someone would bother to go out their way to intentional cause harm to someone, who they don't care about.

I could never grasp that concept of behavior when I went through a neighbor episode, involving all forms of harassment/stalking/violence over a 6+ month period. Resulting in arghhh trying to hammer into my place. I did every to avoid not to respond back etc in case it would provoke them. One of the few things said to them in an non offensive manner basically was they were wasting their effort and should be focusing it on their partner. In the end they were on a mission and I just meticulously recorded every incident. Gave them ample opportunity of cease their anti social behavior. In the end was the hip and shoulder and they knew had no chance. Lot of patience required lucky I've got an almost infinite supply.

On the cyber stalking front I've seemed to have gained myself a fan on facebook last few days with someone using a old pic. Last few days requesting to add to a very good friend. Now what to do about that? Can't be anyone that really knows me as don't use facebook for personal use. Only for comping.

05 Apr 16 3:01 PM

@jennifer.lobster Nothing major looks like that profile/pic was set up mid last year. With you mentioning about cyber stalkers etc and have that happen yesterday, where a good friend messaged me that someone was requesting to be added as a friend to them using my pic as their profile. Bit weird considering I don't post personal pics on Facebook. Any good friend would know I'm not a big fan of doing social media more old fashioned. Call me or arrange dinner/lunch. lol

Have suspicions who might do that. Not going to worry too much about it. I just reported it to Facebook and put it in their hands in case trying to impersonate me etc.

05 Apr 16 11:31 PM

@Inwithachance Appologises if hijacked this thread and steered it more towards the negative "vibes" you subtly brought up. Great that you can own the wins without having to be concerned how it is perceived to be judged. How it should be. :)

I was bit perplexed and curious why it would happen in a comping the negative aspects. Sounds like I opened a can of worms. I guess it reflects what happens in throughout society occasionally.

Lot of positives to take from your post to help stay motivated with comping. Like get to it and make your own luck. Sounds like you've been very busy in the last 18 months manufacturing luck. Got it on tap. lol :)

If not too busy comping or enjoying your prizes are there any great stories of determination/perseverance or funny stories for any of your wins. :)

Same message to all other compers be great to hear about the stories behind the wins. Especially the skill based competitions or how felt beat the unlikely odds etc.

Best Wishes @Inwithachance

06 Apr 16 3:59 AM