
Tips & Tricks

any tips guys im new

03 Apr 16 3:19 PM

Dont Give up. U have to be in It to win It!!!! Good luck!!

03 Apr 16 3:44 PM

The blogs give very helpful advice and tips on how to improve your chances to win etc.

I would recommend first getting a separate email account for comping. Where its' name doesn't reflect it is a comping only account, just in case some terms and conditions of competitions cover that. Most likely comping will attract lots of spam emails. Most competitions are fine the odds are will occasional come across some that will result in a lot of spam. That way if decide to stop comping etc you won't be left with a lifetime of spam emails in your personal account.

The disadvantage is you have to remember to check the comping account so don't miss the wins. :)

Good Luck and have fun

03 Apr 16 10:34 PM

Pain and Persistence lessens resistance. If you use puns or rhymes for your answers they will definitely need some practice - well it was for me.

04 Apr 16 7:43 AM

law of averages the more you do the more chance you will win , don't enter crap comps for little value unless you really want it

@gaseja Agree. Lessons you learn trying to gauge what works for WOL etc. I guess depends on the judges and who is the promoter and if it suits their marketing. Seems could be out of style in general :)

04 Apr 16 6:10 PM

@Theboywithathorninhisside Ah yes, what is that old phrase "The more I try, the luckier I get".

05 Apr 16 4:09 PM

Keep a record of the Facebook competitions you enter. Not all of them will notify you and you have to go back and check if you have won. If the winner doesn't message them, some will redraw and you miss out. I just use Excel and put the date of draw and paste the URL of the competition.

06 Apr 16 9:12 AM

@Di_D Good point. :) One thing that seems to help for those cases is to have good fellow compers entering the same competitions keeping a rough eye out for each other. :) Good Luck for those Facebook competitions.

06 Apr 16 6:01 PM

@Di_D On that point I wouldn't mind some more comper facebook friends. I find it also a good way to be notified easily of competitions to enter as well. It's the checking back like you mentioned you might miss wins. I would expect you as least get a notification from Facebook if you have been mentioned in a post if you're lucky enough to win. :)

06 Apr 16 6:11 PM

Anyone wishing to have another facebook comper contact? :)

06 Apr 16 6:14 PM

@Lemond if you search dianne.dean.5 within Facebook you should find me - My cover picture is a wren and my profile pic is my name in Gallifreyan (circles within circles)

07 Apr 16 8:00 AM

I turn on the Notifications on Facebook as soon as I enter a comp so I can follow it because I notice that companies are getting smart and not tagging you when you win. It is up to you to notify them.
I also utilise the Save Link button especially if I want to think about my answer for a while.

07 Apr 16 8:33 AM

@gaseja Great points regarding Facebook. I sometimes do that for a facebook competition. The only issue is getting constant emails/notifications regarding updates to their Facebook page. I must go through a few sites I've done that for previously and remove them. Some are handy thou if they have regular competitions as a reminder to check for new ones.

One of the major pitfalls of this site is not listing the draw date and only the end date. So having to remember when to check back if you have won. I know a spreadsheet has been mentioned. Wish there was a more automatic way to prompt to check back. :)

07 Apr 16 10:47 PM

@Di_D Thanks. I've already got you on my short list of comper contacts. It's a very short list at the moment. It would be nice to add a few more fellow compers. I'm reluctant to hassle good friends with my comping. I've haven't yet been able to convert them to the dark-side . hehe

Mine is Mark Johnstone I should put some sort of avatar up to help you remember. I just added the dilbert comic strip about the random generator. I think that's a fitting profile avatar. hehe

Big thanks it's having a good effect of getting notified of competitions. Looks like helping each other out. Win Win all around. X fingers one of us will more regularly pick up wins.

Hopefully if the case arises that I miss a competition win on facebook will also have its rewards. I noticed a while back that @toxicgherkin had missed a win on Facebook and his loyal fan base notified him on here. How nice. :)

08 Apr 16 12:33 AM

@Lemond Okay, slapped my forehead. Have no excuse bar forgetfulness.

08 Apr 16 7:47 AM

@Di_D Hehe. Well in your defence I had no profile pic on Facebook to jolt the aging memory cells. Good Luck with the Facebook competitions. :)

08 Apr 16 8:03 AM