
General Chatter

anyone getting more sales calls lately? just got one now - they even left a voice mail message, some guy named GARY. Did anyone get the same call?

04 Apr 16 8:03 PM

Yep! I've started to not answer my phone if I don't know the number.
If you have an iPhone you can block the number as they normally call from the same number.

05 Apr 16 11:41 AM

yeah have been blocking heaps. Just cant believe how many calls im been getting lately which i def have not op into. so some competitions must sell the info out

05 Apr 16 3:50 PM

Oh they definitely do. It's extremely annoying. I've had a lot from overseas.

06 Apr 16 9:41 AM

Getting the same the last few days. I suspect in my case it's directly related to doing a odd entry on OFFERX site this week. That site has all the warning signs that it will result in spam calls regardless if you say yes/no to any options.

Same if I don't know the number I don't answer. I just hope there wasn't any competition wins I missed.

Any hints what competitions or sites it might be related to? It would be nice to have an informal list of sites/competitions to be wary of with this sort of practice. Maybe all related to a recent popular competition posted.

08 Apr 16 12:21 AM

Honestly its to hard to tell. It could be from any of them. Just because they say they don't pass on our information doesn't mean they don't. They can sell the list for $1000's to random companies & that pays for the prizes!

08 Apr 16 10:15 AM

@CeCee14 Some it is hidden in the fine print what they intend to do with your contact details. Was hoping compers might have an indication of competitions/promoters are more likely to do this practice. Some it's more obvious when you have to answer a bunch of yes/no questions to various unrelated parties for a competition. Cohort run competitions I think notorious for that.

I haven't thought about it like that. Probably a business model widely used. Hold a competition and have it directly pay for itself. Then from a pure brand/product exposure. A lot of travel competitions hint at unethical or dubious marketing ploys aimed at recovering some costs for the competition directly from "winners" even.

I had one call last year claiming to be a "winner" for a cruise for a competition I entered. Attempting to lure you in with the excitement of a win. I patiently listened, all the time extremely cautious waiting for the catch. Sure enough got all the warning signs of unethical tactics to pressure into accepting and requiring credit card details etc to confirm the win. Before having a good think what would accepting the win actually cost. I think the general rule of thumb for travel competitions unless planning on a trip and offers substantial genuine savings like at least 95% on all costs treat it with caution.

08 Apr 16 10:40 AM

@Lemond Lucky you were smart enough to work that out. Unfortunately some people go with it & end up getting burnt so to speak.

I've also noticed with the ones that do "offers" from other companies they ask Yes/No questions BUT sometimes hitting no is actually what they want so you are agreeing to being contacted even though you said no. They are trick questions. You have to make sure you read them before answering. I fell for it & have learnt my lesson ;)

I've only been doing this for about 6 weeks now. I have realised that some comps really aren't worth entering. You have to pick & choose. I think the more well known the company the better!

08 Apr 16 1:21 PM

@CeCee14 Just did one competition, well I hope it was a competition like that. Hidden under the big confirm button to enter was a link saying click here if wish not to be contacted. Could of easily been missed. Usually I avoid those types of competitions. Yeh sometimes trick yes and no to confuse you. Sometimes come across those as well.

Facebook seem the best for not getting cold calls and spam emails as they rarely ask for phone numbers etc. Gleam competitions the same thou need social media accounts. I don't notice much spam that could be of a result from those either.

08 Apr 16 4:20 PM

yeah i learnt about fine print. But even though you tick no, you still get the companies calling you.

08 Apr 16 10:58 PM