
I've Won | Primped - Win a Rosehip by Esano Gift Pack

Yay, came home to a surprise win, a lovely pack of Rosehip skin care. Love the surprise wins!! It's been a decent few weeks. A Wonder Woman funko pop, huge ABC cook book pack including a signed Donna Hay DVD, kids batman v superman bedroom pack, movie tickets, Disney Lion Guard pack, bakers delight vouchers, wine, lots of awesome stuff to put away for the kiddies (not the wine, they aren't getting that lol). Just when I was starting to lose interest, I have a few good wins and I'm back being excited about comping again.
Hope you all are having some luck!!

04 Apr 16 9:46 PM

Quite the haul! Congratulations, Alittlebitoffun.

05 Apr 16 11:36 AM

Amazing wins! Congrats :)

05 Apr 16 11:51 AM

Congratulations!! :)

05 Apr 16 1:47 PM

Well done!

05 Apr 16 6:21 PM

Big congratulations. Sounds like you got all bases covered. Something to keep the kids happy, treats to spoil yourself and the wine when the excitement dies down until the next win. :)

06 Apr 16 4:06 AM