
Feedback / Suggestions

@MammaPigga84 I notice you regularly seem to miss about one guessing game each month. :( Is that just an oversight on your behalf each month, or do you feel their is an genuine issue with the not receiving points for the daily guessing game? Maybe for today you are doing a late login. :)

There seems a handful of compers are in a similar situation missing the odd guessing game while looking like got good random daily points. Most likely just forgetting to do the guessing game for a day, I would assume.

If you are having frequent issues with not receiving the points for the daily guessing game points, thou it appears intermittent, what do you feel could be the possible causes? EG particular a browser, bad internet connection or maybe thought was logged in when wasn't etc etc

Maybe there could be a nuance with the site like having to view a competition on the first day of the month before the random daily points starts or having to visit the home page first.

I haven't noticed any issues personally with missing points from the guessing game, unless I haven't logged in for the day.

If there is anyone having the issue with not receiving points from completing a daily guessing game? If so, any indications what it may be the cause?

09 Apr 16 11:51 PM

yeah just noticed that, not sure what happen, i enter everyday with guessing game. I thought it went through on my end :( strange

10 Apr 16 11:24 AM

@MammaPigga84 :( I noticed late last night and thought strange. I recall you having that happen a few times over the last 6 months. Pity no closer to working out the probably cause. I guess double check the points after doing the guessing game in future. That way can notify the admin in time to fix it or find out the likely cause.

Hmm to do it once but a few times there must be some common link you're doing once in a while. It doesn't seem a widespread issue.

I suspect you might navigated the site in a particular way for why it didn't register. More likely logged out too quickly just after sending the guess. It could be anything from browser settings, to a connection issue at your end etc grasping at the usual straws with not much to go on.

It's not something I want to accidentally find out the hard way. I'm fairly careful with making sure I log out before midnight and also first visit the home page then the guessing game later. More due to the nuance around having to visit the home page to receive the daily points and the first day having to click on a competition first etc. Sounds like I'm touch superstitious. Showing my faith in the site. Rolls eyes.

Wish I could help you out more on that issue. It looks like the same issue might effect handful of members each month. Might be some common link between those members.

Best of luck.

10 Apr 16 1:01 PM

I dont sign out , maybe thats the issue ? no idea . ill check and see what happens this week
Thank you

10 Apr 16 8:27 PM

@MammaPigga84 Maybe. Could be a case of you need to refresh or visit the home page first. Possibly there is a mechanism to automatically log out after a set time period etc.

I'm fairly methodically with the log in process and visiting in order the home page first each day before doing anything else. My primary bookmark is the home page. Some of the sites nuances making me a bit wary.

Sigh not much luck with the daily random points for a few days. :( Thank god for the birthday bonus.

11 Apr 16 12:43 AM


11 Apr 16 8:36 AM

@MammaPigga84 My crystal ball just keeps picking up Futurama.

11 Apr 16 8:58 AM

That would of made a good user name for comping :)

11 Apr 16 9:00 AM

@Lemond ahahhaaha lets hope one of us can be lucky and win something BIG :)

12 Apr 16 9:19 PM