
Tips & Tricks

Hello everyone. I'm new to comping.
I've looked through a few of the posts to try and get a better understanding about things.
Just wondering about the competitions that end up in 50 questions or surveys. Are these legit? I have created a seperate email but I can already see I might end up with a lifetime of spam from some of these comps and wondering if I should just skip these when they pop up.
Any advice would be appreciated.

11 Apr 16 9:54 AM

@ Poppysmum Big welcome :)

Looks like the @Admin were too busy today to officially welcome you.

Any comping issues/complaints especially regarding this site see @toxicgherkin hehe, for how to win @Inwithachance, and any IT challenges, how can I help you?

Great that you first created a separate email account. Just remember to keep checking it regularly for any competition wins.
I not exactly sure which competitions result in a lifetime of spam. I get plenty of those. :( Those type of competitions you mentioned seem a likely candidate for spam, especially for calls.

Various social media are also used for a lot of competitions so a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram account etc may come in handy for entering competitions.

Good Luck and have fun :)

12 Apr 16 12:34 AM

Welcome, Poppysmum. :)

@Lemond, great! Just named The Three Stooges there! Lol. We also answer to Larry, Curly and Mo. hehe

12 Apr 16 4:13 PM

@Lemond, I might be giving you a run for your money.. lol..Spent most of the day trying to rectify this flagging laptop and finicky net connection. I did things to this geriatric MacBook Pro you don't want to know about. Patient is stable. That's all I can say for now. ;)

12 Apr 16 7:47 PM

@toxicgherkin didn't you get a new one and a suit? Not going to ask what you did to poor Mac baby, @Lemond might :-)

12 Apr 16 9:27 PM

@toxicgherkin Sounds like you've had a hard day and in urgent need of some beer and pretzels. All can only offer is a bottle of Penfolds Koonunga Hill shiraz cab left over. That might help solve your Mac issue. Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk!

13 Apr 16 2:43 AM


13 Apr 16 6:40 AM

@Annaar, true. I still haven't received that notebook yet. It arrives on the 2nd May. Meanwhile, my teen's laptop has given up the ghost totally. He twisted my arm so as to promise the new one to him. Lol. Hmmphh! So mine is on lifesupport for now, and is in a stable condition...

13 Apr 16 6:44 AM

@toxicgherkin Guess he has to do his homework lol .. the excuses kids use these days!

Check with Apple store if they can give your mac book a shot that it lasts a bit longer... was in there one day and a girl was telling a tech that it's an emergency her mac book be fixed... she spilled tea with milk into it.

The twit placed HOT cuppa on the keyboard, so that she can drink it and type... even the lip came off LOL

13 Apr 16 1:13 PM

@Annaar, oh dear! Control Copy. Control Paste. Control T - yes, she most certainly should have controlled her TEA! Lol.

14 Apr 16 1:26 PM

Thanks for the welcome. I'm enjoying entering the competitions so far. It's become a bit addictive. Of course I presume I am going to win every competition I enter. 😆

17 Apr 16 8:19 AM

Ignore that question mark. That wasn't a question.

17 Apr 16 8:20 AM

Click on an edit link if you want to fix it :-) @Poppysmum

17 Apr 16 10:24 AM

@Poppysmum :) Great your having fun while comping. Hope got the humor in my post regarding the admin. They are very quiet and rarely/don't post. I've been a member of 6 months. The forum members here are a friendly bunch. Members such as @toxicgherkin were very helpful when I initially joined. :) I've found some competition forums can get a bit hmmm tense.

Good Luck

17 Apr 16 6:03 PM