
Feedback / Suggestions

Hi, I've had nothing but telemarketing calls (3 a day, sometimes more!) since I entered a few competitions from here. How on earth do I stop it? This is driving me crazy!

12 Apr 16 6:18 PM

block them if your using iphone.

13 Apr 16 8:17 AM

I've only had two calls since entering comps the last 12 months (touch wood).
I only enter my mobile phone number not sure what type of number you are using.
If all else fails, apply for a Skype phone number (it's free).

13 Apr 16 8:30 AM

You need to put your number on this list -

13 Apr 16 10:09 AM

I had a call from PCYC a few months back and I asked how the caller had gotten my number, the cheeky little man on the phone responded "we are a government charity so even if you have your name on the do not call list we are entitled to ring you anyway". I don't know exactly how true this information is but I was surprised at his cheek it was like he had that response written in front of him.

13 Apr 16 10:26 AM

I've had so in the last 2 weeks. I have an iPhone so you can block the number. I'm sure you can do it on most mobiles. Also I don't answer private numbers. If they want to speak to me they will leave a voice mail message :)

13 Apr 16 11:14 AM

@Slouise I've been told that as well. I know that Charities can by pass the do not call register ruling.

13 Apr 16 1:15 PM

@CeCee14 if a call originated at the call center then they have hundreds if not thousands numbers to call from... blocking one will achieve nothing

13 Apr 16 1:16 PM

@Annaar It works for me hence why I said it.
Most of the calls I've had are from mobile numbers. They are using new tactics. As for the land line numbers, they are mostly from the same number so blocking them works for me. They are also mostly interstate numbers but they are made from overseas.

13 Apr 16 2:06 PM