
General Chatter

Happy Birthday @CeCee14 for yesterday. Hope it was a great day. :)

15 Apr 16 5:42 AM

Aww thank you! My Mum's been telling me for years that its just another day. Now I'm 34 I have finally realised that lol I had a lovely day. The only disappointment was not winning Powerbal!

15 Apr 16 10:36 AM

@CeCee14 Well your looking good for the leader board competition :) Not much luck for me for this last week. I'll be lucky to keep in the Top 20.

15 Apr 16 10:48 AM

@Lemond Honestly I've got no idea how I got to #3. My husband has even started checking what Im at haha I WILL stay in the top 10. If I can stay at #3 I'll buy myself a bottle of Vodka for all my hard work ;)

15 Apr 16 11:53 AM

lol. Yeh the daily random pick me up. Like a good coffee. :)

The birthday bonus of 50 points and at the moment in the hunt for third statistically, depends if any one else has a birthday. At the moment I need a good very good week for starters, so doubtful will challenge. I be 50/50 at the moment to scrap into the Top 20.

The statistically analysis so far using simulation

Last weekend I did a spreadsheet to simulate just the random daily points for on average how many points Top 3 etc would be. I did it for all 50 positions. It still a work in progress almost complete to do a full simulation with birthday effect included. Will update those figures I put up. On average be about 4 birthdays a month for 50 people.

If using mathematics I should really use cumulative density function. I'm a bit rusty so using a simulation. Also birthdays make it a bit more complex to use CDF.

Assumption 50 members for 30 days
Average is 765

Be looking at requiring about +75-120 above the average ie. 840 to 885 from memory to be a good chance of 2nd or 3rd. First from about 110 to 200 approx. At the moment your approx (24-7) + 50 = 67 above average. So hovering about 3rd to 6th statistically if rest of the month is "break even".

If there are no other birthdays, statistically you just need gain another 20-40 points on the average and be almost a sure bet in the Top 3. For first you need to beat FARMERTYSON score and not loose any points from competitions viewed in comparision. Even without a birthday FARMERTYSON score is statistically Top 2-3 if he just got "break even" scores for the rest of the month.

From a few test simulations done so far.
Range approx +-200 from the average

For one birthday in a group of 50.
Birthday Effect on 50 members
Push up a from approx 30-35th to 20th Approx break even (765)
Push up from approx 10-6th to 3rd Approx +80 to 120
Push up from approx 6-7th to 2nd Approx +100-140
Push up from approx 2/3rd to 1st Approx +120 to 170

For overall leader board position you then start taking away every missed competition viewed, assuming top leader board members won't miss many.

15 Apr 16 4:45 PM