
General Chatter

How many competitions do people enter each month?

Just for this last week I've done 78 lets see if can make it 100 by tonight lol.

15 Apr 16 8:23 PM

78? not from this site alone lol ... I'm lucky to enter a few a day, go for days without entering any

15 Apr 16 9:02 PM

JT news comps aren't open for all states as it states... guess I would enter but I need to pay air fare and accommodation if I was to win... damn was going to enter ...

15 Apr 16 9:04 PM

@Annaar Mainly sourced via Facebook. Not all are Facebook entry. Going on a random Australian discovery comping binge. :)

15 Apr 16 9:39 PM

@Annaar lol watching the the Melbourne International Comedy on TV. :) Gee bagging Frankston. Least I lived in the good parts of South Frankston. You just worry when the ones from North Frankston move into your house. Then you leave quickly. It's like Broadmedows meets Toorak.

15 Apr 16 9:47 PM

Too many competitions to share on here. It would take me all night and a few pages to post up.

15 Apr 16 9:52 PM

@Lemond thank you!! Went out 2 dinner, had 2 margaritas... Delish

15 Apr 16 10:00 PM

@Lemond think I need to put a bit more effort into searching for comps :-)

15 Apr 16 10:01 PM

@Annaar should just add me to Facebook it will keep you busy least for this month. All my Facebook notifications go off like a pin ball machine. Must get lucky sooner or later.

off hand lottoland got a free share of syndicate entry into tomorrow lotto for all entries to like and comment.

15 Apr 16 10:08 PM

@Annaar :) Dinner sounded nice. The 2 margaritas should you help for those creative competitions or watching comedy :)

15 Apr 16 10:12 PM

@Lemond no create comps to be seen tonight, not even wol!!

Dinner was nice, took the edge off, been long & crappy week with job searching.. Next week will be carbon copy.

Entered a comp a while back 'win movie + 52 dinners delivered' ... Didn't win, didn't expect to as they don't deliver to my area.., just wanted the DVD LOL.

Received an email today, telling me that I'm getting 10% discount from 1st delivery lolol

15 Apr 16 10:40 PM

Mine would probably be mostly Facebook but I would say approx 50-100 each week. It used to be more when I went on all the comping sites but freetime is getting harder to find these days.... Waiting for a big win so I don't have to work anymore lol

15 Apr 16 10:51 PM

@Alittlebitoffun 100 a week is good going. Facebook have a lot of pop up competitions so need to get in quick and notice closing times. Explains the regular wins. :)

Yeh it can take time searching for competitions. Especially initially while learning know how to search more efficiently.

Popular brands can attract a lot of entries on FB in the thousands. Tonight was doing a random journey via checking out other "compers" on FB who had entered multiple competitions. Needs to be more males doing competitions. Sigh all those women clothing and makeup competitions.

One FB account seem to love competitions involving darts giveaway. Didn't know was any, or so many for that subject. Was very particular probably related to a couple of interest sites.

Found a few creative ones to enter later. One there for Optus for a phone closes next Wed WOL. So far not that many entries. Well cats out of the bag now.

The problem with the popular competition site listed ones attract lots of entries. Came across a few that seem to go under the radar. Don't ask me which ones done too many today. lol

Damn my random daily points thou this last 8 days. Top 20 going to be a struggle even with a birthday bonus.

16 Apr 16 12:24 AM

@Annaar Well doing the odd competition. Odds are unless it's a creative skill base and tick all the boxes and clicks with the judges going to be a wait between wins. Unless really lucky.

Have to think on average how many people are entering even for low interest ones your looking at over 1/100 chance. Well sometimes for large giveaways like my win today must of been very short odds. More of a first in to get the sample competition with 200 been given away. At least was a pick me up for the day.

Sometimes find creative comps with not many entries. I reckon the DeLonghi won't have many entries. I can't find many so far from Melbourne doing a search. People more interested in the free coffee. :) For such a valuable prize about $4000 retail in value about the best odds to value I've seen period!

Looks like under 50. One good pic I like. Most look the same with little creativity. I must get creative this weekend. :)

16 Apr 16 12:39 AM

Blimey! I thought I was doing good with entering about 5 comps per day. I am fussy about what I enter though. I don't usually enter Random Entries unless it is a really good prize.

16 Apr 16 8:04 AM

@gaseja I'm fairly fussy :) Was more an random exploration trail to find the ones I liked. Realistically thou you need to enter 1,000 random draws to pick up a couple of wins. I should do some of those creative ones, at least for some practice.

16 Apr 16 8:39 AM

@Lemond don't forget that some people enter anything & everything... As long as they win.

I try entering 5-8 per day, but lucky to find 1 that I really want , limiting my chances of winning

16 Apr 16 9:21 AM

@Annaar :) Turning into a comping monster this week.
Hit 101 comps and counting for the week lol. OMG

Hungry! Hungry! And I'm hungry.. Feeeeed meeeee! Feeeeed meeeee!

On that note I'm off to lunch and afterwards get those photos done for the creative coffee comp. :)

16 Apr 16 12:23 PM

@Annaar Yeh you can't be too fussy. At worse possibly sell the win and buy what you wanted to win. Someone wins with a bargin and you get what you wanted. Also great way to try out products you wouldn't usually buy, not a priority or just hate shopping. :)

16 Apr 16 12:33 PM

@Lemond enjoy lunch!! Hate shopping with a passion lol

Might have to try becoming comp hungry for a few days & see how I feel :-)

16 Apr 16 12:56 PM

@gaseja I'm fussier then you lol

I'm lucky to enter 10 comps a week, not good odds if I want to win :-)

16 Apr 16 1:58 PM

@Annaar Yes you really need to up your odds.

17 Apr 16 2:42 PM

@gaseja I know :-) Haven't entered anything today ....

17 Apr 16 3:03 PM

@Annaar Sounds like you need some motivation

18 Apr 16 10:34 AM

@gaseja need a few comps to get my attention ...

18 Apr 16 12:37 PM

@Lemond thank you :-)

Got an email that I didn't win $250 voucher but $50 off a meal with pre requisite that I spend $150 on a meal in a particular place and a particular time ... lol like I don't spend enough

18 Apr 16 5:28 PM

@Annaar lol. So saying get a 33% discount if spend $150 etc. :(

Hmm I must of entered a competition with Careers Australia recently. Looks like they busy sending me SMS over the last week.

18 Apr 16 5:33 PM

@Annaar Looks like toxic's been having fun with the camera today for a competition. He needs to do a lady and the tramp scene with his lovely dog. hehe

18 Apr 16 5:35 PM

@Lemond avoid career one comp like the plague lol

18 Apr 16 5:47 PM

@Lemond i received 3 emails like that today ... thanks but no thanks :-) It's not a win!!! I don't have a spare $100 plus for each of the comps... some want me to spend $200+

18 Apr 16 5:49 PM

@Annaar That's not a competition. That's a discount disguised as a competition.

18 Apr 16 5:57 PM

@Lemond true! No way of knowing until they contact you....

18 Apr 16 6:17 PM

@lemond. How do you keep track of how many competitions you enter?

22 Apr 16 8:15 AM

@Poppysmum lol. I just did a post elsewhere looking for a better way looking at automatic daily reminders using chrome extensions. That method looking has potential still a work in progress and learning curve. Looking at calendar and task managers, like send to calendar. Not sold on them yet bit cumbersome and not quite suited to manage competitions easily so far.

Well the more important part being notified for when you win. Hopefully got some watchful eyes out. One good reason to share competitions.

A number of ways
1) Organised Bookmarking
Each month I create separate bookmark folder with folders for Entered, Facebook Comps, Gleam Comps, WOL, To Share.
When I bookmark, I've just started added the end date to the beginning of the bookmark name to try and help.

2) Facebook
I post the competition on my page and put the end and draw dates in the description.
Turn on notifications for the page only (options under the like page). Don't put notifications on a competition post. I did that once lol.
I check my FB notifications regularly. Even with just page notifications on it sounds like a pokie machine going off at times.

3) Organise emails
I keep a separate folder for competitions entered. Also wins not many there yet!
I get a lot of emails for confirmation of entry , subscriptions etc
I need to sort out the emails better. Slight mess.

4) Posting to the forum
I occasional post on this forum as a reminder for myself and to share comps
There should of been one about a week or two below somewhere. I've been lazy to check it. Just reminded me. :)

Overall definitely need to look into a more automated way.

22 Apr 16 8:42 AM

@Poppysmum For the number of competitions I can count the number of bookmarks in my April Entered folder. For my bookmark system I may do multiple bookmarks for a competition get one for entered, another for Facebook. etc I guess could also give just a FB entry count or Gleam entry etc.

It's not 100% correct think I've missed few bookmarks hehe
Approx 130 this month. Mainly from about April 8 to just now. hehe

22 Apr 16 8:46 AM

@Lemond spread sheet works for me :-)

22 Apr 16 10:39 AM

@Lemond Have you heard anything from de Longhi? not seen anything on fb, insta, nor email ... got a call this am telling me that the job was a no go since I have way to much experience. Crap excuse lol

22 Apr 16 10:41 AM

@Annaar Yeh I 'm sure a spreadsheet works great for how many competitions??? Does it allow to click on a link to go to that webpage etc for daily competitions?

22 Apr 16 1:54 PM

@Lemond link in the column who's comp it is :-)

22 Apr 16 2:18 PM

@Annaar Yeh. Thought about that with hyperlinks etc. Still if doing hundreds of competitions. hehe.

I would like automatic daily reminders especially for multiple entries etc. Yeh could do a database with forms etc my forte. Technical issues with full automation. Aim is to just click a button, find the end and draw dates stripped from the T&C's or page, classify if multiple entry/daily then set up reminders. Usually most reminders would be for end date/draw date or approaching end date if it's a WOL. So could have default reminders set up at a selected time/s. Gets a touch more complex for international competitions.

Excel hmm for simple or just a few yeh be fine. It gets a bit complex with multiple entry and different types of competitions. Still takes time to manage and put in the competition details, link etc etc. Good tool to use to prototype the idea thou.

Aim is to integrate it into a browser as that is how you enter most competitions. Possible use a local database for the back end and chrome etc for the front end. Guess some people might want to access it while offline so keeping the data local good idea.

Copyright ideas there might be one competition I could use those ideas for. :)

22 Apr 16 3:20 PM

@Lemond I filter dates. As I don't enter 000's per month it works for me :-)

22 Apr 16 4:45 PM

@Annaar :) And 000 wins this month? hehe

Come on Annaar. I'm going to have to get the whip out. For this week that's one nice win each for a couple of my favorite compers. Your turn now. :)

So what type of prizes and competitions you looking for?
Share in 42 million?
New outfit?
Dashing young man lol Well I might have problems finding that prize.

23 Apr 16 12:36 AM

@Lemond I don't win a comp a week :-) Won Opera tix & had to let them go as I made plans I couldn't escape.

Would be nice to have a win every other week ... Since I only enter comps I really want & not every comp that comes up :-)

23 Apr 16 12:56 AM

@Annaar I know fussy. lol. If know what type of prize and competition you like. :) Easy if got on contact on facebook. :) Lot easier to share competitions etc.

You got to play the odds. Or find lot of similar prizes not always going to find exactly what you want. You know it's a great way to test out things you wouldn't normally think of buying etc.

23 Apr 16 1:03 AM

@Lemond movie tix, DVDs, opera/ theater tix, dining out.. every little bit helps. right? lol If I were to win many t hings I don't need, would only end up taking everything to a hospital or charity... would rather someone who really wants it, wins it

23 Apr 16 1:56 PM


How do you determine who "really needs it"? Most competitions are marketing a product which no one "really" needs it, unless it cash. :)

The SDD I won has come in very handy. It's not high value but still helps. :)

I guess for competitions where do you draw the line for entering trivial things? Personally defiantly would comes to essentials regarding children items unless you got them or plan on having them soon. Also generally prizes aimed at women. I don't also usually do competitions for pets thou once or twice as a gift idea for friends. :)

Would I be wrong entering a competition for "women" jewelry worth $500 or yourself for a mens? For selling small items won etc hmmm bit of a too much effort, but not excluding the possibility, more likely to gift and make a friend happy. I know the worse case I could just put it on a table in the building, It must be a Jewish tradition that I've seen a few times. Occasional something is put out which I've found use for. Yeh like a dinning table when I moved in. :)

I'm not saying enter competitions for things you definitely wouldn't have the need for. More sounds like unnecessarily limiting yourself. Need a good dose of motivation :).

There would be cases someone wins a 2nd prize etc and the prize they desired didn't suit them and depending on the value might sell it etc. The world revolves on either use, gift, barter or sell it. Like @Inwithachance stated it's a win win someone gets a bargain and you can buy what you really need. Or can gift items to friends or relatives as a thank you. :)

With random draws you can't pick and choose when you will win. It's playing the numbers game. There's a world of competitions out there. What is displayed on this site is only a small sample. If look hard enough you will come across thousands of competitions that would suit you.

23 Apr 16 6:12 PM

@Lemond I know what I like, what nearest and dearest like, as well as friends, based on the gifts I get them. I've not heard any complaints yet, and trust me if they didn't like it, I'd know about it.

I don't like perfumed soaps, candles nor do I enter jewellery comps as my tastes are simple.

I used to enter baby comps when a friend was expecting, now that she had bub I stopped. Don't enter comps for pets as I don't have any nor does anyone else I know...

As I'm dreadful at selling things, I don't enter comps so that I can sell my wins.

ONLY enter what I really want... it's not limiting myself... what's the point of me just winning for the hell of winning a trinket and missing out on something that i really want? Cannot win it all!!

24 Apr 16 12:53 PM

@Annaar Argh sounds like a misunderstanding with the tone of the reply. Not a case of trying to win it all etc, totally understand the point. More you can't expect to win on demand for that prize you want. I wish it was that simple. So far with what little I have won it's been fate. :) If it was a car etc be headaches what to do with it. Maybe the catalyst to get around to a licence and allocating a car space etc.

It's great to win something can gift to good friends as a thank you. I'm doing one now for that purpose. It would be great as a surprise gift as they have meant a lot to me over the years. X fingers.

So what type of prizes/competitions do you like?
Especially if it's NSW only competitions that I pass over. Atm I'm getting a lot of competition on my feed that I pass over. Most of the time I don't check what competitions are posted here. I just quickly tick them off as viewed. Usually by the time they are posted here I've already entered the ones I'm interested in.

Hope your having a good long weekend. :)

24 Apr 16 7:30 PM

@Lemond Didn't mean to come across like I misunderstood, Just explaining that I only like very little that companies care to flog :-)

So far I've mostly ONLY entered movie, play, opera tix, DVD give aways... a few dinners, some CDs & gift cards for restaurants.

When a 'friend' was expecting I entered baby comps ... call me low maintenance if you like, if going to the Opera and Dinner is considered low maintenance LOL

I used to buy books on Amazon for gifts, recipients always loved them.. moved on to giving hand made artisan chocs... spent an obscene $700 on chocs one year...

Now it's a mix of chocs, and restaurant vouchers and a few things home grown...

Some comps I've entered week or so before they come up here...

Once in a blue mood a few electricals are given away, and if my appliance at home is getting too old in the tooth I enter...

Enjoy the rest of the weekend... cannot believe it's Sunday already...

24 Apr 16 7:53 PM

@Annaar It's cool it had a hmm stern formal tone to it. lol Aim was to be helpful sounded like got that the stick with all you didn't want. hehe

Well for gift cards of restaurant if it hasn't been posted in this site. I can never recall exactly what competitions are lol.

There is a creative competition for a $1,000 dollar prize.

I got my eye on that one. If I get around to finishing it by Wednesday you might have some competition :). I liking my idea on both fronts for the place and reason. I just need to put some time in. Less time posting here. hehe

Most the answers I've seen are same old responses. A lot wanting to eat at the same "best" restaurant money can buy. Nothing wrong with going to say the Attica or Fat Duck in Melbourne etc I just find going somewhere like that too "formal and stuffy". A lot of responses for those from Vic entries or similar for other states. To stand out they would need a good reason to catch the eye of the judges. To get to the final cut need to tick off all the boxes like a place that promoter might love to review etc and reasons why like to go there with chosen friends. I don't think rhyme is a good option, seen a few of those. They make me ill reading those. I lot don't explain why or little effort. Some thinking it's a random draw. You can eliminate about a third of responses before you start. Like job interviews good percentage fail to read the T&C's of the application. lol
Good Luck if entering. :)

Movie tickets and restaurants not usually on my radar. Initially I passed that restaurant competition over to my good friend who aim to give it to if win. I tried to convert a good friend to the dark side of comping yesterday. Treading carefully, I don't it will happen. lol Didn't think would even have an clue for that comp. Just something out of the blue I recalled the place. I haven't been there. Trying hard not to drop any clues in case anyone else reading might use it. Then I'll have to standout with a well explained reason. Would love to share it. Will do after competition closing. You will understand then why I like the idea so much. :)

Lots of chocolate ones out there. Reminds me a must be a ton of those I haven't done yet with Mother's day coming up, be plenty of those about on FB. Hmm be too tempted to eat them all. Most my good friends keep fit. Might be one I can pass them off them to stop me from going on a chocolate binge lol.

Also looking for electricals, fridge, TV, washing machine, new phone, latptop/computer equipment high on the list (mines still going but least 7-8 years old), furniture vouchers. Last year I moved and didn't have much apart from a nice bed. Could do with a new mattress and some nice quilt/covers add that to the list. hehe

25 Apr 16 9:37 AM

Couldn't get a seat at Attica 5 months prior to my trip.. Apparently they are the best ... Arrgghh love reservations attitude lol

Fat Duck was on my radar! Sadly missed the ballot. Was one of 250k who applied for 14k seats. Still a bit disappointed. Once in a lifetime experience...

Movies are expensive & winning tix allows me to go.
Not all Chocs are created equival. The kind I like are never part of giveaways... Can only get them as a gift or if I buy them :-)

Thank you for the link .. Currently in the middle of writers block, haven't blogged in 9 months... A lot to catch up on. LOL

Re Fat Duck, hackers managed to rig the ballot & managed to get 2000 seats, they were selling them 2 to 4 times its original value on gumtree & eBay.
Since I'm not in Melbourne I didn't go on waiting list as I couldn't get there in an hour or so nor did I imagine anyone cancelling .

25 Apr 16 10:20 AM

@Lemond Ta for the heads up! This one is done and dusted ... not holding my breath lol

As I never win anything this big :-)

25 Apr 16 1:05 PM

@Annaar Good luck. Well I guess you would have a rough idea based on entries already in. :) I haven't looked at it today was resting. The idea is digesting. :) Basically got the idea, done a brainstorm for what key words want to mention. I needs now to be tossed in the air hopeful fall into place.

You can enter multiple times I think.

25 Apr 16 4:42 PM

@Lemond Was one of my on the fly entries, what ever first came to mind LOL Need to thank a few people and taking them to dinner would be a nice way of doing it, at least I hope :-)

25 Apr 16 6:37 PM

@Annaar I agree I've got some good friends that would love to spoil to say thank you. Thou, if got lucky be so emotional to thank them. My problem with my main choice I, hope I don't have to attend and can gift/transfer to my good friends. I might meet him if was required. Not exactly local however they are travelling there in the next couple of months. One hint it's not in St kilda. hehe

Yeh its a great way to say thank you to friends. :) More "valuable" then any prize can give.

25 Apr 16 9:23 PM

@Annaar Damn sneaky of posting up a late comp ending today. I hope @CeCee14 spots it before it expires tonight. Looks like a close fight for the top few on the leader board. :)

25 Apr 16 9:25 PM

@Annaar lol I've found the perfect compeition but it's in Melbourne :(


26 Apr 16 9:55 AM

@Lemond Most places that I can think of Restos in Melbourne aren't in St Kilda... do go somewhere nice to dinner, you might enjoy it and never want to stop :-)

26 Apr 16 12:21 PM

@Lemond Thank you for this! I saw that! Don't know about this chocolate but Lombardo is awesome.. hand made. (Lombardo chocs are great for gifts)

26 Apr 16 12:23 PM

@Annaar The eating contest I'm not sure if that was the competition listed on this site. I got distracted thinking about chocolate and came across this at the same time. Looks like on May 7th Prahran Market are having a one day Chocolate festival in Melbourne. I might see if my mates are interested.

Out of fun I entered the eating contest. I hope I don't win that ballot. Have the weird feeling no one else has entered. Oh the shame. lmao. Not sure what the prize even is. The Prahran market is just a quick tram up the rd. I might check out the festival.

The competition posted is for double passes to the festival for exculsive tasting I think etc. Entry is free what I've read. :)
Details here of the festival in Melbourne.

Yeh there will be handmade Lombardo there. :)

My referral link for the comp:

26 Apr 16 12:52 PM

@Lemond Sometimes entry to main part is free but exclusive side of the even is user pay ... enter,doesn't hurt. Always someone who wants togo!

26 Apr 16 2:21 PM

lots but i win lots too so worth it

27 May 16 7:10 AM

@Andieharrie Yeh for random draws you got to play the numbers game by entering in "lots" i.e. a few hundred at least depending on the odds for the competitions you're entering. If can find competitions with good odds and great prizes is a bonus.

If you got a natural skill for creative/skill bases or willing to jump over a few hurdles where most compers don't you give yourself a good chance.

The biggest problem with entering lots of competitions you need to organise your comping.

27 May 16 8:13 AM