
Tips & Tricks

My tips, I never enter anything to do with 'insurance' otherwise your bombarded with insurance calls and the company trying to force you to purchase insurance.
I never enter voting comps for 2 reasons. 1. People cheat in various ways, so its never fair. 2. I'd rather not ask people to 'vote'.
Anyway that's my personal opinion and what I do or don't do. The choice is always yours.

19 Apr 16 1:21 PM

That's generally why companies run competitions... so they can bombard you with marketing in various forms. They usually mention this in the terms & conditions. They aren't throwing away money for no reason.

As for voting competitions... just because you aren't bothered to ask people for votes, doesn't mean the people that do get votes are cheaters. You don't know how much effort they have or haven't put in to get votes.

But that's just my opinion.

19 Apr 16 1:45 PM

I'm not saying that people that get the votes are cheaters at all. I'm just saying that some people do however cheat by using fake accounts, especially on F.B.

19 Apr 16 2:21 PM

I won a $2000 gift card from NRMA and they haven't contacted me since so for me it was worth it - but agree with the voting one - my little on entered a coloring comp that was then put on FB to be voted on - the winner won both age divisions 1-5 and 5-10 with 162 votes on each - my little one had 4 votes which was family....seems a bit unfair that the same family won both by getting every FB. It should have been judged by unbiased judges

27 May 16 7:08 AM