
I've Won

Double Pass to 'Marguerite', courtesy of The Blurb Magazine. I didn't even know I had won. Ticket came in the post today. Yay. I've been looking forward to this movie. Thanks, The Blurb!

26 Apr 16 9:16 PM

Congratulations again, enjoy the movie. :) Chalk up another win for the guys.

Another Comp Bites the Dust

The Blurb Magazine got their $$ worth just from the plug. hehe

26 Apr 16 10:44 PM

I love surprises like that. Hubby received 5 full-sized bottles of washing up detergent yesterday. He thought he was only going to be receiving sample sizes. Woohoo! We won't need to buy anymore for at least 12 months.

27 Apr 16 9:21 AM

Congrats on the win

27 Apr 16 7:02 PM

@gaseja, me too, though the other week. Five full-size detergent containers 400-500 mL for product testing. My individual product durvey results were due by Tuesday just gone. Done! Won't have to purchase dishwashing liquid for a while.

28 Apr 16 10:11 AM

Congrats mate

30 Apr 16 7:23 AM