
General Chatter

I got a weird call this morning from I think It was a short conversation just to confirm entry into their competition. Has anyone ever had a similar call?

13 May 16 10:23 AM

Not I!! Then again I don't have Foxtel so I guess they are ignoring my entries lol

13 May 16 10:53 AM

yes i had something yesterday

13 May 16 8:47 PM

No...but then again I don't do 'lifestyle' surveys.

14 May 16 9:20 AM

I think related I had missed a confirmation email. Finally found it which was on Wednesday the day before the call. Still strange short call just to confirm entry.

14 May 16 11:42 AM

@Lemond they could be double checking that email went to the right person... as I've received emails a while back thinking 'YAY' just to get another email telling me to disregard previous one ...

14 May 16 1:05 PM

I got one and thought it a bit weird. Maybe they are doing a spot check for bots?

15 May 16 7:00 AM