
Feedback / Suggestions

Hey guys, pretty new here but super excited to see if signing up to dozens of giveaways pays off! I'm pretty hooked already.

Just a quick question, are there any giveaway sites that I should avoid? Or tips to avoid any suspicious sites?

18 May 16 4:18 PM

If they ask more information than you are comfortable giving then don't worry about it.
Keep a record of Facebook competitions as a lot won't message or tag you if you have won so you need to go back a check yourself to claim a prize.

18 May 16 7:12 PM

@Di_D I find it handy to bookmark the Facebook competitions and put the End Date at the start of the name of the bookmark. Then I manually sort them every few days so can check back easily.

19 May 16 5:11 AM

@charissa Welcome and good luck. :)

First creative a separate email for competition entries. It helps to stop getting spam to your main email account. The disadvantage is having to remember to check it.

19 May 16 5:14 AM

Hi @charissa, firstly good luck with comping, most competitions are ok. A lot can be avoided by reading the t&cs. Sometimes there's e-mails from "laura" or "sarah" that go to your spam folder saying you've won an apple iPhone or saying that your name has been selected for a trial but you need to respond straight away. Ignore these and delete -they're rubbish. At the bottom of the e-mail it will tell you where they came from, usually US or Portugal or some foreign country.

Scams are normally picked up by scamwatch or There was a facebook "like farming" page I picked up a while ago and reported on this site. I also reported this to hoaxslayer straight away,as soon as it hit my e-mail and it was good to see they picked this up and posted the scam to their Facebook page If in doubt throw in a question here! We're all here to help each other. :)

19 May 16 11:51 AM

If it's random draws you're entering try entering about a few hundred to have a chance of a win. Unless you find an off the radar competition or lots of prizes in a draw. :) Amazing how you see 2,000 entries for a garden hose and only a few hundred for $500 sometimes. Also amazing how many don't read the terms the conditions for competitions. Based on some competitions I've seen lately, it would be around 10-30% fail to fulfill basic requirements.

22 May 16 5:29 AM

Ah.. cheers for that, I always assumed I could only enter once.

I've noticed that ineligible entries happen often too, I once was given a $250 dining voucher for complaining to Treasury Casino about a daily winner for some competition who actually hadn't tagged their instagram picture correctly. That's a win in my eyes.

Also, the REID Bicycle giveaway has an astounding number of entries over the 25 word count.. it gives me hope.

22 May 16 7:39 AM

@charissa Sorry if any confusion point was if each competition the odds are about 1/500 to have a good chance of winning one or more competitions need to enter in a couple hundred at least.

Each competition has it's own various terms and conditions some may allow multiple entries. Most one entry.

Example I was looking was basically had to like several pages etc to be a valid entry for a competition. As a fair percentage didn't read the instructions there is a big difference in the number of likes over the pages around 10-30%. Done a few to many of this type in the last week.

22 May 16 10:29 AM

I can definitely recommend Bookmaker Australia Review 2021 There's a lot of useful information on the site, I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for there.

13 Aug 21 9:37 PM