
General Chatter

Am I the only one who has hit the jackpot this month and keeps on getting low numbers every day? is there a trick to getting higher numbers?

Seems some people are always at the top of the bell ...

19 May 16 12:02 PM

I think you are like me in that you are fussy in what you enter. I am not going to enter to win a Product or Service that is no use to me.
Some people enter contests to win for the thrill of the win so they can brag about it to their friends on Facebook.

19 May 16 12:25 PM

@gaseja Not that much of a thrill if you throw it in the corner and forget about it :-)

I was talking about the daily number allocation .. you are given a random number daily..

19 May 16 12:33 PM

@Annaar Argh still way ahead of me this month. 5 5 last couple of days :(.

Hmm roughly what time you being logging in each day? Since I swapped back to my roughly early mornings login they generally haven't been flash random numbers. Thou last months winner looked to log roughly the same time I did. The midnight shift :).

I don't think there is a current issue looking at the rough spread of the leaderboard. The leaders a touch higher then expect it should settle down would expect that to drop down for a couple in the next week. The cutoff for top 20 looks roughly break even which would expect. Overall a bit higher then last month especially the cut-off point for the top 20. It's back to around break even 25.5 average per day. I think this is mainly due a few missing a day at least for the guessing game last month.

Hopefully a random method is being used that can't be exploited!

By the end of the month (31 days) expect roughly for the random daily points as follows:
Top 20 790 to 805 +
Top 3 865 to 900
Top 1 910 to 1000

Figures based on the assumptions approximately 50 people doing the Leaderboard everyday etc etc.

Adjust for birthdays what you would require by reducing the amount by 50. A high number of birthdays i.e. more then 4 in a month will effect those figures required slightly.

19 May 16 4:53 PM

@Lemond How can you exploit the numbers if you get them when you log in... have been trying around midnight and after 8am .. today was 6.

Doesn't matter that much, since it doesn't make any difference in winning comps, still would be nice to get something higher LOL

If you are correct about times then the bell kicks in.. after all high numbers have been allocated, the rest get lower numbers.

19 May 16 5:46 PM

@Annaar Well for the same people at the top @FARMERTYSON would disagree this month. @CeCee14 was helped by a birthday last month. You've had a good run in the Top 20 the last few months odds are due to drop out. This month your currently still just above the break even point. You got few bad days up your sleeve still to make the Top 20.

I haven't noticed many birthdays this month. Ekk bound to be a couple on the leaderboard coming soon. I need a few good days to scrape into the Top 20 again.

19 May 16 5:54 PM

@Lemond birthdays last month don't carry into current, do they?

Thought it was Di's birthday this month.

19 May 16 6:12 PM

@Lemond Have noticed that sometimes viewed comps don't add on to the current scores.. .. then suddenly there is a jump

19 May 16 6:35 PM

@Annaar Well it seemed there was an issue before February 1st. Based on the assumption it was an reoccurring issue, and if was aware of it before that date possibly could of taken advantage of it. One of the reasons I posted the "abnormality" as by checking for the issue was touching on the possibility could take advantage of it. Least making it a "fair" playing field by making all aware. I think the issue was "fixed" that night. Thou I got the raw end by checking early each day lol. It's how I discovered the unusual "abnormality" on that day.

I don't think anyone intentionally took advantage of any "abnormalities" previously would of been more coincidental.

Signs was an issue was the random daily points spread for a number of months didn't fit into the expected binomial distribution. Since then the average has dropped by least 2 per day i.e. from 27.5 to roughly 25.5 as expected.

If there is any patterns for the "random" daily points eg. based say on the login order each day i.e. in an incremental loop, I haven't check closely for a while if that's the case. I was suspecting before February a possible case. It's only easily to see any patterns on the first day of the month early in the day. That also assumes the issue also occurs on that day. If an issue occurs any other day a lot harder to detect apart from using statistics. With enough members logging in during during a period would appear random.

Now for login in the quiet times between midnight and say early morning before 8am so assuming an incremental "random" value based on login order might have similar results. Doubt site be "stupid" enough to use that method.

I'm not sure about time has an effect. Welll not since Feb 1st. Statistics don't show a major shift unless its the early birds are getting a better deal. i.e. significantly less of them . I don't see that for my case lol. You can't look at one case and make an assumption it's why I look at the population of statistics. It should follow a binomial distribution if randomly generated.

lol A good daily random points is a nice kick start for the day thou. :)

19 May 16 6:59 PM

@Lemond If I'm awake at 1am, I'll check LOL some days I get really good points and over the last week, I've drown a short straw.

As you said, good start to the day :-)

19 May 16 7:03 PM

@Annaar lol of course birthday points don't carry on to the next month.
Point was statistically they got a boost last month on the Leaderboard so a bit biased using them as an example. They got 3rd so that reflects without the birthday bonus only having slightly above the average random points last month, so nothing unusual this month they are currently doing well. I got significantly below the average. Still somehow scraped just into the top 20 with the birthday bonus. I'm due for an above average month. Maybe next month X fingers.

19 May 16 7:06 PM

@Annaar Ok got lots of competitions for cash to do on instagram X fingers. Hmm odds around 1/500. So need to do 300 of them to hopefully get at least one win. lol

19 May 16 7:08 PM

@Lemond I entered a win 1 lippy, the had 200 to give away.. and still didn't get one... must have been a popular product LOL

Over the last week hardly entered anything.... haven't won a thing in about 6 weeks either.

19 May 16 8:26 PM

Last month I had low numbers nearly every single day and I was nowhere near the top of the leaderboard but I'm not worried as I have been near the top of the leaderboard a few times for the entire month but then on the last 2 days of the month I get single digits and then lose my spot, hopefully one day we will all have a chance of winning the monthly top 3.

20 May 16 9:50 AM

For some strange reason I'm currently number 1! The last few days I've been getting in the 40s then today I got 5. The last month when I did get a place I got pitted at the post for 2nd because of the daily points :( I doubt I'll be in the top 3 this month. Just been lucky for the last 2 weeks.

20 May 16 10:29 AM

Best daily score ever today '2'

21 May 16 1:21 PM

Other than the prestige of attaining the top or top 3 rankings for the month, do you get anything for it, e.g. points or the like? Sorry new to the site so trying to get used to it.

31 May 16 11:59 PM

@debbras $$$ First $100, 2nd $50, 3rd $25. Also double the number guesses each day for the daily guessing game in the following month i.e. June Everyone in the Top 20 gets the double the number of daily guesses. :)

01 Jun 16 9:59 AM

I was 1st 2nd or 3rd for the whole month again then yesterday I slipped to 4th :( But I got 3rd last month so cant complain! Bought a new camera bag on ebay!

01 Jun 16 10:52 AM

I was going to ask - if you win top 3 (like I just did) do I not get double the guesses as my guesses are still single

02 Jun 16 8:50 AM

@CeCee14 so often am up in top few all month and get pipped last couple of days by getting low numbers, so excited I won.

02 Jun 16 8:50 AM